

As a Christian, I support aid to Gaza. But funding UNRWA will prolong the conflict


The Foreign Secretary has announced the UK will reinstate funding to the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees. But citing claims that UNRWA employees took part in the 7 October terrorist attacks, Dr James Patrick says Christians should oppose the decision


​Kamala Harris’ joyful laugh should be celebrated


Can’t we find better things to criticise our politicians over than the fact that they laugh too much? We need more joy in politics, not less, says George Pitcher. Long may the US vice president’s laughter remain


Targeted ads are luring Christians away from their churches. It needs to stop


As accusations emerge that large churches are using geofencing in an attempt to poach Christians from smaller congregations, Joe Gallant says we should be reaching the lost, not preaching to the converted


When the world is in crisis, revival will come


With the threat of war, the impact of climate change and the turbulence of politics, it can be easy to feel disheartened. But Church history shows that crisis always precedes renewal, says Mark Sayers

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Has secularism had its day?


Following headlines in national newspapers about Gen Z’s growing interest in church and the unapologetically Christian members of England men’s football team, Pat Finlow says the evidence is mounting that secular thinking is on its way out 


THE SEND isn’t a Christian concert. It’s an urgent call to action


More than 6,000 mostly young people gathered at Wembley for the first night of THE SEND’s UK and Ireland tour. Benjamin Elliott tells the story of how he got involved, and why he believes this ‘call to prayer’ is unique 


​Should I stay or should I go? Why Joe Biden reminds me of some pastors


Joe Biden isn’t the only leader in danger of hanging onto his role for too long. Pastors often make the same mistake, says Chris Kilby. Here’s what he’s discovered about the art of leadership succession


The CofE hasn’t changed its doctrine on marriage. It’s still one man and one woman


Despite what some have suggested, the CofE has not changed its teaching on marriage, says Dr Ian Paul. He explains what has - and hasn’t - happened, and why he’ll keep fighting for church doctrine to remain faithful to Jesus’ teaching

Donald Trump Shot at Pennsylvania Rally

How should Christians respond to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump?


As the presidential campaign continues, political tensions are rising. Both in the US and the UK, our society is becoming ever more polarised, says Jamie Gillies. The Church must pray for those in power, and live like Jesus

New shoot

The UK Church is not in decline. There are signs of revival everywhere


Rev Dr Hannah Steele’s church in Peckham was transformed by the faithful prayers of a band of women who prayed for decades. It’s just one story of many green shoots of growth that are springing up across the Church, she says


If my loved one doesn’t know Jesus, will they still go to heaven when they die?


The death of a someone close to you is a deeply painful time. When they don’t have a Christian faith, or we don’t know what they believe, it can be even more difficult. Will Dobbie recounts his own experience and offers some hope

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Remove this ‘disrespectful’ painting, said the Christians. But what would Jesus do?


Michael Coren is no fan of this “insulting” painting. But the very fact it was allowed to be displayed tells us something important about the influence of Christian beliefs on the West, he says


The Christian faith of the England football team


Miracles do happen! Despite a slow start to their campaign, the men’s England team are in the Euro 2024 final. Ahead of Sunday’s game against Spain we take a look at the players who have professed faith in Jesus


Tim Farron MP: Why I didn’t swear on the Bible


For the first time, Tim Farron MP chose not to swear on the Bible when he affirmed his allegiance for the seventh time in parliament this week. He explains why

Keir Starmer Labour Prime Minister

Labour says it's serious about change. The Church should be too


It’s time for the Church to get serious about the things that really matter, says George Pitcher. And that means less time on same-sex relationships and more on the lost, the poor and the marginalised

Bukayo Saka

'I hold onto God's promises' - the Christian faith of Bukayo Saka


As England's Euro 2024 campaign continues, we take a look at the Christian faith of Bukayo Saka, one of the new breed of England players better known for their hard work and decency than off-the-pitch antics

Sir Keir Starmer Labour Election Win

We have a new government. Here are 5 reflections for Christians to consider


Chris Goswami unpacks five fundamental truths that can guide followers of Jesus during times of change


I’m a Christian and I’ll be voting Labour


People are sick of 14 years of government scandal, says David Lammy MP. He believes only the Labour Party can deliver true change


I’m a Christian and I’ll be voting Lib Dem


Elizabeth Jewkes says that the values of the Liberal Democrats align most closely to her Christian faith. Not surprising, she says, when over a third of Lib Dem MPs have also spoken openly about their faith in Christ


I'm a Christian and I'll be voting Reform UK


Rob Brett is done with the political status quo. He explains why he’ll be voting for a return to “British values” this general election. And no, that doesn’t make him a racist, he explains


I’m a Christian and I'll be voting Conservative


David Taylor, who leads church engagement for the Conservative Christian Fellowship, explains why he’ll be voting for Rishi Sunak on Thursday

2024 UK General Election Ballot Papers

I don’t agree with any party. How should I vote as a Christian?


Louise Davies offers her tips on how to choose wisely this Thursday

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I’m a Christian and I’ll be voting for the Green party


The Green Party is not expected to win in the Edinburgh constituency where Alison Proud lives. But as a member of Christian Climate Action, Alison says voting for the environment still counts, and is motivated by her Christian faith

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5 Nigerian Christian artists you need to hear


Christian music made by Nigerian artists has exploded in popularity, but if you live in the UK you may not have heard of them. It’s time to change that… 


Is Trump vs Biden God’s judgement on America?


The much-discussed presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump prompted some Christians to suggest we are witnessing God’s judgement on America. Joshua Ryan Butler unpacks what that might mean

Julian Assange

As a Christian journalist, I do not worship at the altar of Julian Assange


Simply publishing information that others would prefer to remain hidden is not journalism, says Tim Wyatt. Here’s why he is struggling with those who wish to laud the WikiLeaks founder as some kind of hero of free speech

Social Media Smart Phone

Why don’t people trust the Church of England? (Clue: social media isn’t to blame)


If the Church of England wants to restore trust, it needs to earn it, says George Pitcher. Social media is not the problem, it’s the lack of transparency in dealing with the hard issues

Iran Election Posters 2024

3 ways to pray for Iran’s presidential election


Following the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash last month, this Friday, the country will elect a new leader. Despite heavy persecution, the Church in Iran is one of the fastest growing in the world. So will a change in leadership make their lives easier, or more difficult? And how can Christians pray?


Exclusive: Bishops call for LLF re-think for sake of unity


Writing ahead of next week’s General Synod, where the Church of England will consider offering stand alone services where same-sex couples can be blessed, eleven Church of England bishops warn such action would go against church doctrine and further endanger the unity of the church 

Stressed lady at work

UK workers are among the saddest in Europe. But Christians shouldn’t be among them


Ninety per cent of employees in the UK are not actively engaged by their jobs, and we have the second highest level of workplace sadness in Europe. It’s bad for individuals and the economy, says Tony Wilson


​There is a hunger for God’s presence in young people that we haven’t seen before

2024-06-24T14:46:00+01:00By Gemma Symonds

A Warwickshire youth leader explains what God is doing among Gen Z in her church


How to restore a fallen leader


As Tony Evans resigns from leading his megachurch following admission of sin, Justin Humphreys considers what a process of repentance, reparation and restoration should look like for fallen leaders


Why Christians should feel conflicted by Pride month


How should Christians who hold a traditional, orthodox view of sexuality and gender engage with Pride month? Andy Robinson says we must consider three things

Stephen Lawrence newspaper headlines

Stephen Lawrence deserves justice, and we won’t stop fighting for it


31 years after Stephen Lawrence was brutally murdered, a review has concluded that the four detectives who ran the initial investigation should not face criminal charges. Former Met superintendent Leroy Logan explains why he won’t stop fighting for justice


This government is failing disabled children – here’s what you can do about it


Disabled children are floundering in a broken system, says additional needs campaigner, Mark Arnold. And whoever receives the keys to Downing Street must do something about it immediately


7 reasons Christians should care about the general election


In this challenge to apathetic voters, Ross Hendry says its vital Christians exercise their democratic right to vote on 4 July 


5 ways to make evangelism slightly less difficult


Jesus never said evangelism would be easy. But he did say it was important. Clio Turner shares her tips on how every Christian can better love, care for and pray for their friends who don’t yet know God


Pride can be divisive. I want to disagree well


Savitri Hensman responds to Christian Concern’s claim that Pride flags represent an “anything-goes” approach to sex


Pope Francis isn’t liberal on LGBT issues


The Catholic Church’s teaching on sexuality shows no signs of fundamentally changing, and the media are wrong to expect it to, says Michael Coren. The reports the Pope has again used a gay slur in a closed door meeting prove it


Ayaan Hirsi Ali says she “chooses to believe” in Christianity. Is it that simple?


The former Muslim turned atheist says she “chooses to believe” the claims of Christianity. Tony Wilson agrees that reason often has a part to play in a journey towards faith. But it isn’t everything.


I’m a pro-life Christian. Who should I vote for?


Tim Lewis looks at what each of the parties believe about abortion, and suggests how Christians can best use their vote


Jürgen Moltmann (1926-2024): One of the most influential theologians of our times


The renowned German professor Jürgen Moltmann, who was praised for being both innovative and traditional, has died at the age of 98. The Principal of Moorlands College, Andy du Feu, considers his legacy 


The surprisingly spiritual benefits of Mosley’s 5:2 diet


Having lost weight and discovered the advantages of feeling hungry, George Pitcher is grateful to Dr Michael Mosley for popularising the ancient spiritual practice of fasting. Just don’t be smug about it, he says


We’re halfway through the election campaign but matters of faith are still absent


In taking stock of the campaign thus far, the Evangelical Alliance’s Danny Webster says all parties need to work harder to engage Christian voters


Rishi Sunak wants to show ‘no mercy’. But I think we need more


Rishi Sunak wants mercy for himself, but justice for others. He’s just like the rest of us, observes Natalie Williams 


‘We’re seeing people come to know Jesus more easily than we were five years ago’


God is doing something new in the UK, says Pete Greig, founder of 24-7 Prayer. Young people are more open to faith. Public intellectuals are turning to Christ. Let’s be encouraged and keep praying for revival to come


Premier CEO Peter Kerridge (1961-2024): A radio pioneer, committed to Christ


Peter Kerridge transformed a small start-up radio station into one of the most significant Christian media networks in the world. He will be remembered as a visionary leader whose drive, commitment and innovation changed the landscape of Christian broadcasting


Democracy is a gift from God. We must fight to preserve it


In the recent Indian election, prime minister Narendra Modi won a third consecutive term, but lost his majority government. It is a blow to those who wish to enshrine Hindu beliefs into Indian law, but a victory for democracy, says Bishop Joseph D’Souza

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Has anyone made more money out of God’s name than Richard Dawkins?


In his recent conversation with atheist-turned-Christian, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Richard Dawkins said he was on “Team Christianity”. But Max Avard says he’s still got some way to go in understanding the full cost-benefit of following Jesus


Let down your (inter)nets! Sharing the gospel on social media is worth the risk


‘God’s Influencer’ Carlo Acutis, is tipped to become the first millennial saint. Rev Chris Lee reflects on visiting his shrine, and why sharing the gospel online is worth navigating the pitfalls

Regent Street pride flags

It’s time for Christians to push back against the new Progress Pride flags dominating our towns and cities


Christian Concern are vowing to take Westminster Council to court over planning rules surrounding their annual display of ‘Progress Pride’ flags on London’s Regent Street. Andrea Williams explains why


No, you cannot compare Trump’s conviction to Jesus’ crucifixion


When US author and speaker Eric Metaxas recently shared a post that compared Donald Trump’s guilty verdict to Christ’s, Christians around the world were rightly horrified. It is not OK, says Dr Krish Kandiah

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Rob Burrow may not have been religious, but his story should inspire Christians


The former Leeds Rhinos rugby star, who has been battling Motor Neurone Disease for the last five years, has died. Mark Arnold pays tribute to a man whose passion to make a difference reflects Christ’s devotion to those with disabilities

Holy Spirit Board

Wait on God, not an Ouija board


There are no shortcuts to hearing God’s voice, says Kate Orson. Even if it is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, the Holy Spirit Board is playing a dangerous game