Why Christians need to stop backing the wrong underdog


Too many Christians are misunderstanding what’s taking place between Israel and Hamas, says Chip Kendall 

Since the massacre that took place on October 7 in Israel, I’ve witnessed something very sinister taking place across the United Kingdom. And unfortunately it has even bewitched many of us in the Church. We’ve started believing the wrong underdog story.

When Jihadi terrorists savagely attacked, raped, captured and murdered over 1,000 innocent Israelis, you’d think that the global community would respond in utter outrage, taking to the streets to demand the release of the hostages and an end to Hamas. But instead, the opposite has happened. We’ve seen a huge increase in anti-semitism in Britain (up by 1,350%), mass anti-Israel protests with well documented cases of anti-semitism in London, and even calls for another intifada - an uprising against the world’s only Jewish state.

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