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  • ‘Fully Alive’: An honest exploration of the Christian faith

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    The Narrow Path - Rich Villodas


    Rich Villodas is a New York pastor faithfully and boldly leading a church in a tricky place. His ministry emphasis is spiritual formation, and his latest book is no exception, as Villodas offers a helpful set of reflections on and around the sermon on the mount.

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    What Happens Next - Max Lucado


    The rapture is imminent. We are in the “fourth quarter” of the world, according to American Christian author Max Lucado. But What Happens Next isn’t full of doom and gloom. It’s a surprisingly positive take on the end of the world.

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    ‘Fully Alive’: An honest exploration of the Christian faith


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    The Hopeful Activist - Rich Gower and Rachel Walker


    We live in a broken world and many of us want to try and fix it. This book by Tearfund’s Rich Gower and communications specialist Rachel Walker is a guide for those on a journey of activism – even if you’re right at the beginning.

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