Lisa Skinner

Lisa Skinner

Lisa Skinner is a mum of four from Belfast, where she has been in working in Christian Communications for the last six years

  • Book-cover-04

    Consider him - Catherine Campbell


    In her second devotional, author Catherine Campbell aims to centre our hearts and minds on the essence of Christ. Guiding readers through a year-long journey, she explores the character and actions of Jesus.

  • born-free

    Born free - Katharine Hill


    Few of us would say that we strike the right balance when it comes to daily rhythms of work and rest, the result being that we allow the hurried pace of life to drown out the voice of God. For many, the pandemic provided time for introspection but, with a ...

  • Book-cover-05

    Broken by love - Val Jeal MBE


    Val Jeal was 50 when her work with homeless men in Bristol began. Over the next 20 years, her reach extended to sex workers, drug users and their families.

  • falling-of-dusk

    The falling of Dusk - Paul Dominiak


    This book is a detailed theological study of the last seven words spoken by Christ on the cross. Cambridge academic Dr Paul Dominiak has invited a cacophony of voices – believers and atheists alike – into a conversation about how faith and doubt coexist, and how we might chart a ...

  • March22-Review-3x2-HoldingOn

    Need to give your pain to God? Sheila Walsh's encouraging book will help


    To be human is to want to give up when life gets too much; to be a Christian is to cling to the promises and the hand of God when life feels overwhelming. This is the encouragement of Scottish songwriter Sheila Walsh in her latest book.

  • Dec-Review-3x2-FamilyBusiness

    The Family Business: A modern parable about identity, evangelism and the Trinity


    Do you ever wonder why God put you on earth? This is the question that readers of The Family Business are prompted to ask of themselves as they encounter characters who wrestle with finding their true identity, having been invited to embrace their role within their family’s business.

  • Dancing with wisdom

    Dancing With Wisdom - Sunil K. Raheja


    If wisdom is not intelligence, knowledge nor common sense, what is it, and how do we get it? Psychiatrist Sunil Raheja tackles these questions in Dancing with Wisdom.