Rev Peter Crumpler
Rev Peter Crumpler is a former communications director with the Church of England, and the author of Responding to Post-truth. He is a CofE minister in St Albans, Herts.
- Reviews
Heaping Coals - Michael Coren
Journalist and author Michael Coren had a high-profile career in the Canadian and international media – but it all came crashing down when he wrote a newspaper column sympathetic to gay Christians.
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100 Ways to Get Your Church Noticed - Neil Pugmire
In our fast-moving, visual world, with countless organisations vying for our attention, the question of how we ensure our churches are noticed has become more and more important.
- Opinion
Why the Pope should stay out of US politics
In a rare intervention, the Pope has weighed in on the US presidential election, urging American Catholics to “choose the lesser evil”. Rev Peter Crumpler questions the wisdom of church leaders expressing their opinions on foreign elections
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Yearning For the Vast and Endless Sea - Chris Russell
Here’s a book to excite you, especially if you’ve lost your passion for the gospel message. It aims to stir the flames of a burning desire to tell others the good news.
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Have a little faith - Kate Bottley
“That vicar off the telly” is how Rev Kate Bottley is known to millions. In her debut book, Bottley sets out her down-to-earth wisdom on success, love, strength, conflict, confidence, loneliness and grief. That sounds like it could be hard-going, except it’s not. It’s like sitting down with a friend, ...
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The Christian faith of the Ryder Cup founder
As the world’s top golfers gather in Rome for the start of the Ryder Cup, few may know that the British golfer, Samuel Ryder, who founded the tournament had a strong Christian faith. Rev Peter Crumpler explains
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Evangelism needs to change. This book can show you how
The Brighton-based vicar Rev Martin Poole has been experimenting with creative forms of outreach. In Church Beyond Walls he explains how others can join him in finding new ways of presenting Christ’s timeless message
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10 tips on social media…brought to you by the Pope
The Vatican has released a dense 20-page document on how Christians should approach social media. Rev Peter Crumpler distils the highlights
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‘He is risen!’ – so what? Why your church’s Easter advertising may need a rethink
In a post-Christian society, common church phrases such as ‘He is risen!’ are unlikely to mean much. Rev Peter Crumpler suggests an alternative way churches can communicate Easter truth this week
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Christians love to criticise the BBC. But I think we should be defending it
It’s far from perfect but the Beeb has a vital role to play in our democracy. Church leaders should consider becoming ‘critical friends’, says Rev Peter Crumpler
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Doubting Thomas is the perfect apostle for today’s fake news world
‘Doubting Thomas’ gets a bad press. But there is much we can learn from him, says Rev Peter Crumpler
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Back from the dead: Tiger, Eriksen and the power of a resurrection story
The remarkable comeback stories of Tiger Woods and Christian Eriksen testify to the power of the resurrection story to engage people’s imagination and bring hope
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Did we get Mary Whitehouse wrong?
As a BBC documentary considers whether the Christian anti-porn crusader Mary Whitehouse was ahead of her time, Rev Peter Crumpler recalls his own conversation with the often mocked campaigner