During his inauguration speech, the President of the United States claimed, “I was saved by God to make America great again.” Andy Witherall considers the parallels between Trump’s words and a Christian understanding of salvation
The arrival of a new American President always stirs passionate emotions among people across the globe, and last week was no different.
Like any public event, inaugurations are spectacular occurrences with hundreds of thousands in attendance and world leaders sending their best wishes.
During his inauguration speech, Donald Trump spoke of the assassination attempt made against him in July 2024 where he suffered a wound to his ear. As he recounted this event he stated, “I thought then, and I believe even more so now, that my life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America great again.”
The meaning of salvation
These are interesting words. What should Christians make of the claim that God “saved” Donald Trump? First, we should recognise this is a theological claim which resonates deeply with scripture. Whether or not Trump exercises personal faith in God, his statement credited God with his rescue. For Trump to say, “God saved me” is to admit that, in that moment, he was completely dependent upon God.
To be saved by someone is the complete antithesis of being able to save oneself and it is a message which goes against the grain of our individualistic society and our tendency toward pride. It is a message which takes us to the very heart of the gospel itself.
That said, we should recognise that the Bible’s description of salvation is different to that of which Trump spoke. We need to be rescued, the Bible says, not from any outward threat (bullets flying through the air), but from the consequences of our own sinful hearts.
In his letter to the Romans, Paul declares, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Again, this is an unpopular message in our culture which seeks to see the good in everybody. And yet which of us would truthfully be able to say we have kept God’s law perfectly and loved him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength?
In light of this knowledge of our sinfulness, our temptation is often to trust in our own efforts as we try to do better for God. The problem with this attitude is that it completely fails to understand the seriousness of sin and the spiritual helplessness in which we find ourselves. Isaiah tells us that even our best works are as “filthy rags” before a holy God (64:6).
In Jesus we have the answer. The apostle Paul writes, “at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.” (Romans 5:6)
Saved for what purpose?
Trump also claimed to have been saved for a purpose. For Trump this was seen in his mission and calling to, “Make America great again.” For Christians, it is also true that we have been saved for a purpose. But that purpose is not in service to any earthly kingdom, but for the kingdom of God.
When Jesus saves someone from sin, it is not so that person can sit down and wait for heaven - we have work to do! It should be the daily goal of every Christian to grow to become more like Jesus, to deepen their worship of him and to share the hope that they have found with a world set adrift from God.
Christians may differ in their political views on Trump, but we stand united in the God who has loved us. As I heard the passionate applause that resounded around the room after Trump’s speech, I asked myself the question: do I have that same passion in my service for Christ? If we know Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, let us give thanks for his great rescue and resolve afresh to live them purposefully for him.

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