Andy Flannagan
Andy Flannagan is a Luton-based Irish singer-songwriter and executive director of Christians in Politics
- Opinion
Bishop Mariann Budde was right when she spoke truth to power. All Christians should
Bishop Mariann Budde’s decision to use her sermon to challenge US President Donald Trump has caused widespread debate. Should Christians be speaking truth to power? Yes, says Andy Flannagan, but only if we’re willing to do the hard yards of seeking understanding, and listening to those we disagree with
- Opinion
Anyone can be anointed by God, not just King Charles
God’s anointing is not just for kings. The gift of the Holy Spirit means all believers are part of the royal priesthood, with all the authority that brings. Let’s use it well, says Andy Flannagan
- Opinion
As Liz Truss resigns, Christians must avoid being dragged into the soap opera of heroes and villains
At times like these, Christians need to look at the roots of the issue, namely relationships and truth. Most of all, we need to pray, says Andy Flannagan
- Opinion
Tears and Celebrations: Katherine Jenkins' new hymn of remembrance following the Queen's death
Christian songwriter Andy Flannagan explains how, following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, he pulled together a team to produce a new hymn of remembrance, assurance, and thanksgiving
- Magazine Features
A prayer for our new prime minister, Liz Truss
As Liz Truss takes up the reins during a period predicted to be beset with crises and complaints, Christians should start as we mean to go on - by praying for our leaders - says Christians in Politics’ Andy Flannagan
- Magazine Features
The prayer meeting that brought down a government?
Reflecting on the unexpected impact of the recent Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast, Andy Flannagan says the event should remind Christians that when it comes to politics, integrity and character really do matter. And we all have a part to play
- Opinion
Church is not a safe space
Jesus often lived a high-risk, low-security lifestyle. As Christians, we are called to follow him, says Andy Flannagan
- Opinion
How to tell if your view of Brexit has become an idol
Executive director of Christians in Politics, Andy Flannagan, shares his tips on identifying the counterfeit gods you could be worshipping
- Opinion
Decisions are made by those who KEEP showing up
The message of the SHOW UP campaign earlier this year was simple but provocative. It challenged Christians and the Church not to just commentate from the side-lines but to get on the pitch of political life.
- Opinion
Jeremy Corbyn: movement or moment?
Jeremy Corbyn's radical brand of politics could make or break the Labour Party he now leads. Andy Flannagan of Christians on the Left gives us an insider's analysis.
- Archive news
Decisions are made by those who show up
While Christians are often on hand to deal with people in crisis, there is a lack of Christian representation upstream, in the political sphere. Andy Flannagan explains how the Show Up campaign aims to redress the balance.
- Opinion
We need an army to march on its knees
All over the UK, people are responding to the Show Up campaign. It is genuinely exciting. Already, people are showing up by joining political parties, meeting with their MPs and councillors, and even standing for election themselves! This journey won’t be for everyone, but there is a way of showing up that surely will be for everyone: showing up in prayer.