Ben Cohen
Ben Cohen is the head of media and PR at Open Doors UK and Ireland, a charity that speaks up for and supports Christians around the world who are persecuted for their faith. When he's not gazing at a screen he is frantically unpacking his life's artefacts or looking at the world slightly askance.
Contact info
- Website:
- opendoorsuk.org
- Opinion
Bunfight! Why I waded into the “not cross bun” controversy, and you definitely shouldn’t
Don’t play into the hands of the outrage merchants, says Ben Cohen
- Opinion
Is Iran really like Orwell’s 1984? Here are 4 similarities
A new report says life for Christians in Iran is harder than ever. Ben Cohen says their horrific treatment at the hands of the Morality Police reminds him of George Orwell’s famous dystopian novel
- Opinion
Why are hundreds of churches being destroyed in Manipur, India?
At least 64 Christians have been killed, thousands displaced and entire villages razed to the ground in Manipur. While reports from the region vary, Ben Cohen from Open Doors says the extent of the violence has dramatically increased in recent weeks. He unpacks the factors driving it
- Reviews
Everything Everywhere All at Once may be the most Christian film you watch this year
Oscar-winning Everything Everywhere All at Once is totally bonkers, says Ben Cohen. But it is littered with Christian parallels that shine the hope of the gospel into the deepest darkness of human experience
- Real Life
‘We held hands and started praying’: Teen turns to God as earthquake strikes
The death toll continues to climb after two major earthquakes devastated areas of Turkey and Syria. Christians in the area are sheltering in churches and asking for prayer for those still trapped in the rubble
- Opinion
50 Christians have been murdered during a church service. Nigeria is failing to defeat Islamic extremists
A massacre of 50 people at a Catholic church is the latest in a string of attacks on Christians in Nigeria.
- Opinion
5 ways to defeat Putin’s plans without leaving your laptop
We are increasingly living in a ‘splinternet’, where citizens in countries like Russia, China and Iran are fed a completely different reality to the one we are presented with. Here’s how Christians can make a difference
- Opinion
Afghanistan is the deadliest place in the world to follow Jesus. Why is the media silent?
Since the creation of the World Watch List 30 years ago, North Korea has consistently topped the charts as the most dangerous country to be a Christian. But now it’s been overtaken by Afghanistan. And that is having repercussions around the globe, says Ben Cohen
- Opinion
Today is International Day of Prayer for the persecuted Church. Here are 3 ways you can pray
340 million Christians experience systematic discrimination, unfair treatment and persecution for following Jesus. Here’s how you can pray for them today
- Reviews
How to become a tyrant: 3 things Christians can learn from the Netflix series
You can’t compare the recent slew of fallen Church leaders to brutal dictators like Gaddafi or Amin. But but look closer, says Ben Cohen, and there’s plenty for Christians to reflect on among the blood and gore
- Magazine Features
How one million Bibles were smuggled into China in just two hours
It was the D-Day of Bible smuggling: a million Bibles secretly unloaded onto Chinese shores in one night. Forty years on, some of the key players recount the remarkable and often miraculous operation