The world desperately needs to hear about the hope of Jesus, says Andy Frost. But when we’re told there’s only one way to evangelise, it can be scary and offputting. Here’s how to understand your natural faith-sharing profile, and get some great tips on telling your friends about God in a way that doesn’t seem weird
I have been working with local churches and individual Christians who want to become more effective at sharing their faith for more than 25 years. Over that time, I have discovered that many people feel evangelism is important - but they also feel that someone else would probably be better suited to do it than them.
I’ve heard many different reasons for this: “I’m not an extrovert”; “I don’t find it easy to chat to people”; “I’m not that confident when it comes to theology”.
These doubts and fears arise because, sometimes, we are taught certain models or methods for sharing our faith in our churches. We think this is ‘the’ way to share Jesus. And when we fail to follow the formula that we’ve been taught, we end up feeling like we’ve failed as a Christian. And it puts us off trying again.
But the truth is that God has made us all different, and in the New Testament, people share their faith in a variety of different ways: there is hospitality (Luke 5:27-32), testimony (John 9:11), invitation (John 4:29) and cultural dialogue (Acts 17:16-34).
How do we share faith?
To better understand how Christians share their faith, Share Jesus International, the charity I work for, decided to do some research. This highlighted four main areas of tension:
- Do we expect people to come to faith in a moment or over a journey?
- Is faith sharing something we do by ourselves or together?
- Do we begin a faith sharing conversation thinking about how we can communicate the message of Jesus as quickly and effectively as possible - or do we allow the person we are speaking with to take the lead?
- And finally, do we share faith primarily by what we say, or what we do?
All different
From this, we identified six faith-sharing profiles, and designed a quiz so Christians can out find which one most accurately describes them.
Which one of the six profiles do you most feel drawn to?
- Intentional disciplers: enjoy walking alongside others on their faith journey, helping them take the next step.
- Team players: believe in the power of collective evangelism and thrive when sharing faith as part of a group or church effort.
- Open connectors: always ready for a spiritual conversation, these people are attuned to the opportunities God presents in everyday situations.
- Compassion revealers: For these individuals, actions speak louder than words. They believe that demonstrating God’s love through service is the most powerful form of evangelism.
- Life sharers: love to share their personal testimony, believing that their story of transformation can inspire others.
- Bible revealers: are passionate about sharing the gospel and believe it’s important to communicate biblical truths as soon as possible.
Opportunities and strengths
Trialling the quiz across the UK, we have found that these profiles really help people. Firstly, it takes the pressure off. We haven’t all got to do evangelism the same way.
Secondly, it celebrates the way we share our faith naturally. Some of us are brilliant at showing God’s compassion in the way we live, and some of us are great at journeying with people over the long term.
Thirdly, it provides some great ideas, closely matched to the way you most naturally share Jesus, that can help you become even more intentional in your evangelism.
In a local church setting, the quiz can identify how the different styles of faith sharing within a congregation complement one another and helps us see other people’s perspectives. God has created us differently to share the gospel with different people in different ways that are relevant to them.
In the world around us, there is a real loss of hope. But, as Christians, we have a hope in Jesus. It can sometimes seem scary to share our faith, but I believe our society desperately needs to understand the message of Jesus. My prayer is that this quiz will help us all celebrate the way God has made us - and become slightly more confident in sharing that hope.
Take the quiz now

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