The hallmarks of the Asbury revival are simple, authentic worship. And God is inviting us all to take part, says Eddy Ferguson
What is happening at Asbury University isn’t normal. It’s a move of God. We are seeing people gather together not for hype, not for an event, not for a conference, but to truly meet face to face with Jesus.
On 12 February 2023, my team and I decided to cancel our plans for the day and head to Wilmore, Kentucky. We are part of a Youth With A Mission (YWAM) missions group called Circuit Riders. Every year, we tour with our discipleship training school, partnering with students to reach their campus with the message of Jesus. Carry the Love, as the tour is called, hosts united worship nights focused on inspiring students to love as Jesus did.
I saw wells of revival springing up across the universities of the US and the world, especially in Europe
Arriving at Asbury after a four hour journey from Fort Wayne, Indiana, we were full of excitement about what was to come. Immediately, we were captivated by the simple yet rich presence of the Lord in the chapel.
Healing and hope
At that time, prayer and worship had been continual for over 90 hours. As we were walking in, two lines of people were testifying about what God had healed them from. People were testifying about giving their life to the Lord. One after another, a woman was healed from a disease, and a man was set free from a drug addiction that he had been battling for a large portion of his life.
Then, a young woman came up to lead prayer for freedom from anxiety and depression. In that moment, a younger boy was highlighted to me. I rushed over and prayed with him and watched as God lifted all anxiety and worry from him. His face lit up with so much joy! After I ended the prayer with: “in Jesus’ name!” the boy gave me such a big hug. It was so special to see how the Lord took his anxiety and made it into joy. I began to cry with excitement, knowing that this boy had felt the love of Jesus enter into his body.
This is what our saviour does. He is so real!
- ‘This is real. God is very present’ Reports of revival are breaking out in Asbury
- Asbury revival: An incredible move of the Spirit - and it’s touching the UK too
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- RT Kendall: When Word and Spirit come together, revival will follow
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United in Christ
After a few more people testified of what the Lord was doing in their life, the president of Asbury University, Dr Kevin Brown, came up to give a quick encouragement to the younger generation. Then worship began again.
The Lord is showing us how simple it is to worship and adore him with such reverence
It was such a surreal experience to see the amount of unity in the room. The sound of the bride of Christ singing was beautiful! And the amazing thing was that the people on the stage weren’t well known. They didn’t have a crazy setup and there weren’t any bright lights. It truly was just people worshipping Jesus.
And that is definitely replicable.
The Lord is showing us how simple it is to worship and adore him with such reverence. While at Asbury, I saw other wells of revival springing up across the universities of the US and the world, especially in Europe. I felt the Lord tell me that: “It’s open for those who are hungry for their generation”.
For the Church, let’s become still. Let’s listen to what God is waiting to do. Don’t back away from the Lord changing our plans during services to sit in his presence.
It was hard to leave, but when we eventually did have to go, I left with so much excitement. I can’t wait to see where this move of God leads!

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