All Obits articles – Page 3
Regular Columnists
Devout, relaxed and friendly: Tom Wright recalls his 36 hours with The Queen
The former Bishop of Durham recalls being invited to spend a weekend with Queen Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh in Sandringham
As our nation mourned, God sent a rainbow to remind us of his faithfulness
A double rainbow appeared over Buckingham Palace shortly before the announcement that Queen Elizabeth II had died. Pete Greig wonders if this sign in the sky was more than sheer co-incidence
Magazine Features
The Queen and my father Billy Graham: Their unlikely friendship was built on Christ
After hearing his Good Friday broadcast for the BBC, the Queen invited Billy Graham to preach at Windsor. His son, Franklin, recounts the friendship between a farm boy and a monarch, based on a shared love of Jesus
Regular Columnists
I wasn’t well behaved at Trooping the Colour, but now I’m so grateful for the Queen’s steadfast example
Jeff Lucas shares a story from his childhood, when he attempted to interrupt the Queen’s official birthday celebrations
The uncomplicated way the Queen spoke of her faith was an inspiration to preachers like me
Lord Leslie Griffiths says preachers were inspired by the “effortless” way the Queen spoke the name of Jesus
Magazine Features
Queen Elizabeth II served Christ
Our Queen’s faith in Jesus Christ was central to her life, says Mark Woods. We should be deeply grateful to God for her life-long service to Christ reflected in her life-long service to her people
Magazine Features
Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022): Remembering the Christian faith of the UK’s longest-serving monarch
Queen Elizabeth II has died aged 96. In paying tribute to Her Majesty, Rt Rev John Pritchard says the prayer of our national anthem was answered
10 brilliant things the Queen has said about God
Queen Elizabeth II was always open about her strong Christian faith. As the world mourns the loss of the UK's longest reigning Monarch, Mark Greene presents ten significant quotes from Her Majesty's famous speeches
Magazine Features
Bill Turnbull (1956-2022): The Songs of Praise presenter was unashamed of his Christian faith
The series editor of Songs of Praise remembers the life and faith of veteran broadcaster Bill Turnbull
Magazine Features
Kallistos Ware (1934-2022): The evangelical ‘convert’ to Orthodoxy was a father in the faith to many
Metropolitan Kallistos Ware was a distinguished pastor, scholar and theologian in the Orthodox Church who treasured his evangelical roots. Greg Downes remembers him
Magazine Features
Stuart Briscoe (1930-2022): Friend, mentor and inspiration
The renowned English pastor, author and preacher Stuart Briscoe has died at his home in Wisconsin, USA. Briscoe, who led the Telling the Truth ministry with his wife Jill, was 91. His sermons are broadcast all around the world, including on Premier Christian Radio in the UK. Keith Danby pays tribute to him
Magazine Features
Bethel’s Beni Johnson (1954-2022): The happy intercessor
The co-senior leader of Bethel Church, Beni Johnson, passed away on Wednesday following a prolonged battle with cancer. Carrie Lloyd pays tribute to her
Magazine Features
Fr Dermott Donnelly (1967-2022): A humble, hilarious, prayerful priest who loved everyone
The Catholic Priest, who was the brother of television personality Dec, will especially be remembered for communicating the ministry of Jesus to lost and confused teenagers, says Ronan Johnston
Magazine Features
Christine Noble (1938-2022): The Christian freedom-fighter
Christine Noble was a gifted and passionate Christian leader who fought for other women to be free in their callings, says Sue Rinaldi
Provocateur. Prophet. Pioneer. 5 lessons from the life of Gerald Coates
Gerald Coates’ biographer picks out five life lessons from the Pioneer founder who went to glory at the weekend
Magazine Features
Gerald Coates (1944-2022): A true pioneer
The founder of the Pioneer network of churches and March for Jesus, Gerald Coates, has died at the age of 78. Billy Kennedy, who succeeded him in heading up Pioneer pays tribute to the prophetic leader
Sister Catherine Wybourne OSB (1954-2022): A pioneer of digital theology
@DigitalNun was a hands-on digital prophet and one of the best people on the internet, says Dr Pete Phillips.
Magazine Features
Most Rev Desmond Tutu (1931 - 2021): Iconic South African leader who strove for peace
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the South African leader who stood up to apartheid and played a leading role in bringing peace and reconciliation to a divided nation, has died, aged 90. His friend and co-worker, Rt Rev Michael Nuttall, pays tribute
Magazine Features
Melvin Tinker (1955-2021): A consummate pastor-theologian who was valiant for gospel truth
The prolific author and church planter was well respected among conservative evangelicals, having overseen the growth of one of the largest Anglican churches in northern England. He later made an “orderly exit” from the Church of England, believing it had "gone adrift from its biblical moorings." His friends remember him as a gospel-centred man who wanted Jesus to be glorified
Magazine Features
John Shelby Spong (1931-2021): The ‘heretical’ bishop who divided opinion
Spong didn’t believe in the resurrection, and rejected mainstream Church teaching on prayer, miracles and the nature of God