All Bible articles – Page 10
I strongly disagree with the Christians who are refusing to sell their house to a gay couple
Christians, we are not called to judge the world, but to love it, says Annie Carter
10 brilliant things Bono has said about God
The name U2 makes me cringe, and so does my voice. That's according to the band's frontman, Bono, who made the surprising admission to the Awards Chatter podcast this week. Opinions may be mixed on U2's music, but Bono has always been upfront about his faith in Jesus. Here are some of our favourite Bono quotes
Wrestling with biblical teaching on gender inspired my award-winning photograph
‘Wonder Boy’ has just been nominated for the prestigious Portrait of Britain award.
8 ways to improve your preaching in 2022
Baptist preacher Jonathan Edwards shares some top tips
Katie Piper's inspirational book is a reminder of how God sees you
After a difficult couple of years, we could all use a little positivity. That’s what Katie Piper’s new book seeks to bring, with 365 affirmations to get you through. Each affirmation – essentially an empowering statement – provides an encouragement through which Piper weaves her faith subtly ...
Regular Columnists
Your ‘Bible in a year’ reading plan begins with Genesis. And so does the good news
The creation story was utterly unique among Ancient Near Eastern cultures. Instead of warring, angry gods, the Bible tells us that we were created in love, says Lois Tverberg
Magazine Features
Why you should make ‘Keep the Sabbath holy’ your New Year’s Resolution
God mandated a day of rest for our good, says David Hoffbrand. Try it. You might be surprised by the many benefits it brings to you and your family
Why ‘sorcery’ was the most searched-for Bible term in 2021
Online searches for “pharmakeia” in the Bible increased almost 200 per cent increase in 2021. But why?
Jayne Ozanne: The Christian campaigner explains why she wants to ban ‘hate prayer’
The Chair of Ban Conversion Therapy tells us why harmful prayer “must be banned, and will be banned”
Avoid this banal re-write of the Bible's greatest stories. It contains as much truth as Buffy the Vampire Slayer
In one way, the writings of Robin Bennett and Eugene Peterson are similar: both have rewritten the Bible into everyday speech. But there the similarity ends. Bennett has taken twelve texts of the Bible – including creation, the Fall, the Flood, the Nativity, Gethsemane and the crucifixion ...
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas on the day his house nearly burned down
Source: Kristian Kirk Mailand / Alamy Stock Photo A couple of weeks ago, two nice chaps stopped by our home and promptly set fire to it. Which was rude. They hadn’t planned to commit arson – their agenda was to cut the grass. All was going well ...
Magazine Features
Finding the missing pieces of the Christmas puzzle
If you read the Christmas story in isolation, you will miss the beauty of the Bible’s bigger picture, says Jo Swinney
Regular Columnists
Why Noah's flood may not have been global
Was it a global flood, or local flood? David Instone-Brewer explains why he (reluctantly) changed his mind
Magazine Features
The kind of faith that Jesus loves
Christians have traditionally understood faith to mean trust in God. But there's another vital aspect to faith that we often overlook
You may have heard China has ‘banned’ the Bible app. But the truth is more complicated
Last week, Apple removed the Bible and Quran from their Chinese app store in response to government pressure. Many have seen this as yet another restriction of religious freedom in China, but Dr Alexander Chow says such a concept never existed in the first place
Dismantling Lord Vinson’s bizarre claim that Jesus’ death was assisted suicide
As peers debated assisted suicide in the House of Lords last week, one Lord’s contribution jumped out as particularly remarkable
Regular Columnists
Why Christians should ditch the concept of original sin
It might be commonly taught, but Augustine's concept of original sin doesn't have scriptural support, argues David Instone-Brewer
Reviewed: The book that promises to help you become a wholehearted disciple
Do you want your heart to be changed? Try this book, says our reviewer
Heavy Burdens: What the Church gets wrong in its treatment of LGBTQ people, and how we can fix it
Many will read this book’s title and make up their minds before turning a page. But this is why 'Heavy Burdens: 7 ways LGBTQ Christians experience harm in the Church’ is desperately needed, says our reviewer
God is neither male or female, but we shouldn't use gender neutral language
Describing God as male is not patriarchal, says Graham Nichols, it’s accurate