All Bible articles – Page 7
Magazine Features
Can Christians afford to be hospitable this Christmas?
Christmas provides us with a special opportunity to show love to others, says Jo Swinney, and being hospitality doesn’t have to cost the earth
Regular Columnists
Why doesn’t life make sense?
Looking for answers? Draw near to the one who gives life it’s meaning, suggests David Instone-Brewer, as he takes a closer look at the book of Ecclesiastes
Magazine Features
Why every Christmas film points to Jesus
From Home Alone to The Polar Express, every tale we tell points back to the greatest story ever told
All attempts to disprove scripture have failed. The Bible truly is God’s word
Despite 2,000 years of people trying to disprove the Bible, no one has ever succeeded. And that’s why you can trust that scripture is truly God’s inspired word, says Brian Brodersen
This film claims the word ‘homosexuals’ shouldn’t be in our Bibles. Did translators get it wrong?
Most churches in the world today preach that homosexuality is a sin, citing biblical references to support their case. But what if the word “homosexual” was added to the Bible by mistake? That’s the claim of a new documentary film, 1946. Premier Christianity’s resident Bible scholar, David Instone Brewer, went to see it
The Bishop of Oxford's surprising case for same-sex marriage is flawed
The Bishop of Oxford, Rt Rev Dr Steven Croft has come out publicly in favour of the Church of England changing its doctrine of marriage to include same-sex partnerships. But having studied the bishop's 48-page booklet, entitled Together in Love and Faith, Ian Paul believes the arguments are unconvincing
Regular Columnists
Misusing scripture: Don't paper over the cracks
There is a strange intimacy that forms between fans and the bands they love. I guess it makes sense: before we even meet, we have shared countless road trips, commutes, workouts and even bedtime routines. If my voice is the soundtrack to your life, of course I ...
Regular Columnists
What does it mean to fear God?
In spite of its negative connotations, fear is a common word in the Old Testament. Lois Tverberg explains how Christians should understand it
Don’t be put off by the low budget. This film about radical Bible translator John Wycliffe deserves to be watched
A new biopic of John Wycliffe promises to bring the viewer “face to face with a man of true genius”. As Morningstar embarks on a premiere screening tour across the UK, Eddie Arthur says we all owe a lot to this radical translator
Wholly Buyable: The clever podcast explaining the Bible to non-Christians
I’m reading the Qur’an at the moment, rather late in my life. I tried it about 20 years ago but gave up, partly I suspect because I was using a version modelled on the King James Bible. This one’s a modern translation, but I can’t say it’s ...
3 tips to help you read the Bible well
Chris Goswami introduces simple principles to ensure you read the Bible as it was meant to be read
Real Life
Criminal Christianity? What this Bible smuggler taught me about breaking the law
The first Christians told the authorities, “We must obey God rather than human beings!” It’s a principle Brother Andrew lived out, says Dr David Landrum
100 Bible films
Matthew Page’s impressive book on the history of scripture adaptations is a Christian cinephile’s dream, covering everything from five-minute silent films to four-hour Italian epics. A helpful introduction explains that he watched far more than 100 films in researching this book, but selected these for their historical ...
Regular Columnists
Charlotte Gambill: How leaders can use 'Flour Power' to resolve conflict
Source: Martha Ratcliff Conflict is inevitable when we are leading people. Disagreements and misunderstandings are part of the terrain we must navigate, yet often it is our lack of discernment that can cause a minor incident to become a major accident. I’ve always been fascinated by the ...
‘Twerk & Snake Eyes’: Did you know these disciples changed their names to avoid embarassment?
In exploring why God changed the name of key biblical characters, David Instone-Brewer wonders whether it might be time for modern Christians to drop the ‘Evangelical’ label
Feeling anxious? Focus on God’s promises
In times of great uncertainty and distress, even Christians can become anxious and disillusioned. Here’s how you can think on the right things
Real Life
How our church is studying the Bible with Christians in Burundi
A church in Norwich is learning from the experiences of Christians 6,000 miles away, as two congregations come together to study the scriptures over Zoom
Regular Columnists
God loves guitar solos
I started playing guitar because of that scene from Back to the Future. Any child of the 1980s knows immediately what I’m talking about: Marty McFly’s blistering ‘Johnny B Goode’ solo. As I watched it, my jaw hit the floor. The combination of the stunning musicianship, the ...
Magazine Features
Hidden disciples: Rediscovering Jesus’ female followers
Far from being a male-only cast, there were plenty of women among Jesus’ disciples and the early Church leaders.
Regular Columnists
When the news is full of darkness, I cling to this truth
For much of last year, the lightbox in my office displayed the words: “All shall be well.” The full quote from Julian of Norwich reads: “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well”; the repetition resonant of the ...