All Bible articles – Page 9
Forget growth strategies and church management, theology is the beating heart of the Christian faith
Far from being boring and irrelevant, theology is how the Church finds the words to describe the treasure it has been entrusted with, says Alister McGrath. Without it, Christianity collapses
10 things you thought were in the Bible…but aren’t
It might sound wise and good and true, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s actually in the scriptures
Could Jesus have been married?
The Bible doesn’t answer the question. But it does give us some clues, says Lee Wilson
Triggered by scripture? This version of the Bible could help you
While supporting survivors of abuse, pastor Mike Leake found Eugene Peterson’s The Message translation of the Bible instrumental in their healing journey
Is this biblical ‘curse tablet’ the most significant discovery in recent history?
A newly discovered Hebrew tablet containing an early use of the holy name of God, Yahweh, has prompted excitement around the world
Real Life
‘I walked from Cardiff to London to encourage ethnic minority young people into leadership’
Daud Irfan was six years old when his family fled persecution in Pakistan for a new life in Wales. Since then, he and his father have followed in the footsteps of their Methodist heroes, the Wesley brothers, by walking 170 miles to encourage diversity within the Church
As a Christian pacifist I can’t encourage Ukrainians to take up arms. But neither will I condemn them
Christians are called to follow a saviour who exemplified nonviolent defiance, says Symon Hill
3 things the Bible says about war
The Bible doesn't give us the simple answers we crave, especially when it comes to the war in Ukraine. So what does it say? Rev Mark Woods looks at three challenging Old Testament passages
Pat Robertson thinks Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a fulfilment of end times prophecy. Is he right?
Some Christians and Jews have viewed recent events as a partial fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy. Evangelical scholar Dr Calvin Smith looks at the biblical evidence
Real Life
Behind the headlines: Inspiring stories of faith in Ukrainian cities under siege
You won't hear these stories anywhere else. But for Christians, they are an encouraging reminder that Ukrainians are people of deep conviction, who are well used to keeping the faith in dark times
Christian leaders have shared fake news about Ukraine on social media. Here's how to avoid being caught out
Misleading social media posts about the Ukranian conflict are proliferating, and Christians are being caught out. Steve Cox explains how you can verify before pressing the 'share' button
Doubt is becoming trendy. Even among Christians
It is time to stand firm in the truth, says Chris Schorah, as he encourages Christians to eschew doubt and deconstruction
10 sayings you didn’t realise came from the Bible
Convinced you’ve heard that saying before? Nope, it’s not Shakespeare, says Paul Kerensa, it comes from the Bible. There’s more wisdom there than you might realise
Regular Columnists
God says ‘Behold’ 1,500 times in the Bible. Here’s what it means
“This is not a gentle request. It’s a command. When God uses it, he’s grabbing us by the collar, urging us to notice something incredible that we’re currently ignoring.”
Don't neglect the Old Testament. It is essential reading for Christians today
It is vital that Christians read the first 39 books of their Bibles, says Johnny King.
5 things Christians need to stop saying
Andy Kind wants to consign these Christian cliches to the dustbin
Regular Columnists
Why did Paul tell women to submit to their husbands?
What exactly did Paul teach in the New Testament, and how should Christians understand and apply his teaching today? David Instone-Brewer sheds some light on this deeply divisive issue
Regular Columnists
Don't cling to rigid black and white theology. There's so much of God we don't understand
A few years ago, I was having a particularly challenging time navigating my way through doubts around a decision that I had to make. As I sought guidance from friends and loved ones, some were adamant that I was to go in one particular direction, convinced that ...
An interview with Jesus
Jonathan Roumie reveals what it's like to play Jesus Christ in the hit TV series, The Chosen
Magazine Features
What’s the biblical justification for welcoming gay people but denying them full membership?
Charmaine Yip delves into the scriptures to assess whether allowing LGBT people to attend church services, but preventing them from serving, is justifiable