All Bible articles – Page 4
Regular Columnists
'If I have not love...' How to be a healthy leader
In unpacking New Testament teaching on tongues, Lucy Peppiatt observes how Paul combatted pride and elitism in the early Church
Regular Columnists
Falling in love with the Bible again
God speaks to us and to every situation through the Bible, says Chine McDonald
Are all sins the same?
It’s complicated, says Ian Paul. He explains why the Bible give two different answers, and why it’s important for Christians come to the right conclusions on sexual ethics
Israel-Gaza war: Don't ignore what the Bible actually says
Does the Bible suggest that God will bring the Jewish people back to the land?
Why your favourite stories are full of Christian meaning
From Harry Potter to The Lord of the Rings, our most loved stories concern the battle of good over evil. That’s because we’re wired that way, says Andy Bannister. It’s only in a universe where good wins out in the end that stories make sense
Regular Columnists
Can we trust the birth narratives of Jesus found in the Gospels?
Q: Many people assume that the birth narratives of Jesus found in the Gospels are fictional. Do you think they’re trustworthy?
Russell Watson: ‘My friend and I text Bible verses to each other every Sunday’
The world-renowned tenor explains how a near-death experience led him to faith, and why he’ll never tire of bringing joy to others through his music
Loving our own bones - Julia Watts Belser
“Everything I know about God comes through these disabled bones,” writes Julia Watts Belser, historian of ancient religion, Jewish rabbi and disabled activist. In her latest book, Loving Our Own Bones (Hodder & Stoughton), these three strands of her identity combine in a provocative and scholarly commentary ...
Regular Columnists
It’s not about you
A leader’s highest calling is to develop other leaders, says Natalie Williams
Regular Columnists
The way of love: St Paul's answer to leadership failure in the church
When the early church was in a mess, Paul’s radical teaching helped convict leaders of their sin. His words are as relevant today as they’ve ever been, says Lucy Peppiatt
Magazine Features
The Old Testament depicts horrific violence against women. How should we read these stories?
From rape to bullying to murder, the Old Testament contains stories that should shock us. Rosie Dawson speaks to leading theologians in order to find out how Christians should understand them
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas is home alone!
Macaulay Culkin is in his 40s now but, for many, he will forever be Kevin McCallister, the precocious eight-year-old in the blockbuster 1990 comedy Home Alone. For those unfamiliar with the film, Kevin’s parents take off for a Christmas in Paris, unaware that they have left their ...
Listening to the Jewish Jesus - Paul Luckraft
The rediscovery of the Jewishness of Jesus, and of the early Church, has been a major theme in recent biblical scholarship. The 2,000-year gap since these events occurred means we often read the biblical text without appreciating the cultural and historic context. The aim of Paul ...
Does the Bible Support Same-Sex Marriage?
Does the Bible Support Same-Sex Marriage? is an outstanding book, says our reviewer
‘Woke’ and the problem with ‘that’s not in the Bible’ arguments
There are a great many things not specifically mentioned in scripture, says Jonty Langley. So using it as a defence against any idea you don’t like may leave you on shaky ground
Regular Columnists
Misunderstanding Mary and Martha
Dr Lucy Peppiatt takes a look at common interpretations of the encounter between Jesus, Mary and Martha and finds them wanting
Magazine Features
Why it's time to build a truly diverse Church
It’s more than just worship styles and bring-and-share suppers, say our panel of experts. Emma Fowle speaks to four leaders about what it takes to create a truly inter-ethnic Christian community
5 heresies Christians would rather ignore
Dr Lee Gatiss has argued Christians must be bolder in confronting false teaching. Jonty Langley agrees, but believes Christians have had too narrow a view of what constitutes heresy
Magazine Features
Heresy! Why Christians must confront false teaching
The controversial Jesus of Nazareth often refuted false teaching. His followers should be prepared to do the same, says Dr Lee Gatiss
Magazine Features
The Bible App has transformed our engagement with scripture. Do we still need physical Bibles?
As the world’s most successful Bible app turns 15, Chris Goswami chats with YouVersion’s CEO to find out how the technology is changing our discipleship