All Bible articles – Page 11
Magazine Features
3 ways to pray
Prayer doesn’t have to be confusing or intimidating says Amy Boucher-Pye. Here’s how to make it part of your everyday life
God is speaking. Here are 6 ways to hear his voice
A missionary and pastor explains how God guides us
Axe grinding, straw men and wokeism: Why it’s time to end the word wars
Research suggests most of us are bad listeners. But as Christians, we need to follow Christ’s example, says Dr Christopher Krampe
Magazine Features
Philip Yancey: How every Christian can get more out of their Bible reading
As someone who has been writing for half a century, I read the Bible differently to most people. Accepting it as our primary source for what God wants us to know about reality, I also can’t help peeking behind the words to its human authors. I read Isaiah and marvel ...
Magazine Features
How to grow old faithfully
The Bible doesn’t talk about retiring, says Carl Knightly. Whatever age we are, we still have value, worth and a part to play in the family of God
Magazine Features
Why I’m finally a young earth creationist
Writing in response to Dr Luke Barnes' article on why he no longer believes in young earth creationism, physicist and engineer, Dr Jim Mason shares his own story, and explains why he believes a “plain reading” of Genesis leads to a young earth viewpoint
Ecclesiastes comes to Edinburgh…but will biblical comedy work at Festival Fringe?
A new stand-up/theatre hybrid show sees Anthony Noack deliver Ecclesiastes in its entirety. But does it work? Yes and no, says Paul Kerensa
Magazine Features
RT Kendall answers: What’s the point in being a Christian?
Following Jesus means walking a narrow road, filled with difficulty and suffering. But we persevere because of the promise of heaven, says RT Kendall
Regular Columnists
What is a kinsman redeemer?
Don’t miss the significance of this biblical title, says David Instone-Brewer. It reveals how God is absolutely dependable
Magazine Features
Waiting for a miracle: Lessons in perseverance from Christians still praying for breakthrough
The past 18 months have been characterised by waiting for restrictions to end. Hopes were dashed when lockdowns were extended or reintroduced, often at short notice. Waiting has been painful for many, but Claire Musters believes there are lessons God wants to teach us in this time
5 ways to help your kids love the Bible
If we want our children to understand why scripture is relevant to their lives, we need to stop dumbing it down, says Krish Kandiah
What’s the meaning of life? 4 reasons why belief in God makes sense
Simon Edwards presents four big questions that point towards the existence of God
Magazine Features
How to read the Bible
The Bible is a rich and complex book, and there are many different ways to read it, says Revd. Dr. Miranda Threlfall-Holmes
Does the Bible prohibit sex before marriage?
Last week the Methodist Church affirmed the status of cohabitation. Many Christians have assumed the Bible forbids sex outside of marriage. But what do the texts actually say?
David Walliams is mistaken. The Bible DOES have a happy ending
The comedian’s attempt to read the Bible is admirable, says Mark Woods. But going cover to cover may not be the best approach
Christine Caine: The prolific evangelist and activist isn’t slowing down yet
There is an honesty about Christine Caine that is rare in high-profile leaders. When the bestselling author, internationally acclaimed speaker and leader of multiple international organisations appears on our morning Zoom call, she is straight off the treadmill, laughing and apologising for her appearance in a sorry-not-sorry way that epitomises ...
Regular Columnists
What is the Kingdom of Heaven?
Lois Tverberg reflects on what Jesus meant when he spoke about the kingdom
Magazine Features
Douglas Murray: The anti-woke atheist with a soft spot for Christianity
The secular journalist known for critiquing left-wing ideas has attracted a huge following in recent years. He might identify as an atheist, but the former Christian remains fascinated by faith
The 5 most surprising lines in the Bible
What’s the most surprising line you’ve ever seen in the Bible? I don’t mean the most uplifting or most challenging verses. They are great and we need them. I mean verses that make you think, “What’s that doing there?” or, “why did God say THAT!?” Here’s my ...
Regular Columnists
Did Jesus die for aliens?
As the US military gets ready to release an unclassified report into UFOs, David Instone-Brewer looks at the biblical evidence for extra-terrestrial life