All Queen Elizabeth II articles
The coronation should be a Christian event say one third of Brits
What do a funeral and a coronation tell us about Christian Britain? A lot, as it turns out, says Bible Society’s Mark Woods. He unpacks their latest research
News Analysis
What King Charles’s first Christmas message revealed about his Christian faith
King Charles III’s record-breaking Christmas Day broadcast highlighted the fine balancing act that a believing monarch in a secular society must tread, says Catherine Pepinster
What can Christians expect from King Charles’ first Christmas broadcast?
Queen Elizabeth II clearly communicated her faith in her annual Christmas speech. But will King Charles? And will it give us any further insight into how he sees his role as Defender of the Faith?
News Analysis
2022’s biggest Christian news stories
As the year draws to a close, Tim Wyatt looks at the most significant stories for the UK Church and beyond
Magazine Features
Remembering Her Majesty: 15 Christian leaders pay tribute
Christian leaders from across the UK share their fond memories of Queen Elizabeth II
Magazine Features
Why the Queen was Britain’s best evangelist
Much has been made of Queen Elizabeth II’s faith, but where did her strong trust in Jesus come from? Catherine Butcher explores the religious influences in the Queen’s life – from childhood to old age – and how they contributed to her becoming our nation’s most effective evangelist
Official mourning for the Queen is over, but her family still need our prayers
When the funeral finishes, the toughest part of the bereavement journey is often only just starting. Here’s how churches can support those struggling with grief
Could the Queen’s death bring revival?
Within two days, the UK had a new prime minister and a new king. As an era ends, George Pitcher is praying for winds of change to bring God’s reviving fire
9 lessons from the most watched sermon ever
It was billed by some as the biggest evangelistic opportunity of a generation and, if it isn’t already the most-viewed sermon of all time, it’s likely to become so. But what lessons can we learn from Justin Welby’s preach?
Preach it, Justin! How Welby nailed the 5 minute sermon
In a room full of the great and the good - those commonly viewed as the most important people on the planet - the Archbishop of Canterbury made a pointed statement that celebrated our equity of access to God’s grace, and challenged the watching millions to put their faith in Jesus Christ
News Analysis
The Queen’s funeral reminds us that even monarchs are under the dominion of Christ
As we say the final goodbye to our late monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, Catherine Pepinster decodes the funeral service that Her Late Majesty personally planned
Justin Welby: All who follow the Queen’s example can say, with her: ‘We will meet again’
Initial reactions from Christian leaders online suggest the Most Rev Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, struck just the right chord with his short but sweet tribute to a Queen who served God and strove to point others to him. Here’s his sermon in full
Magazine Features
How the Queen’s death is revealing ‘latent spirituality’ in the UK
As a nation mourns, deeply Christian longings are coming to the surface. Perhaps our country isn’t as secular as we’ve assumed, wonders Bishop Graham Tomlin
As the Queen’s funeral approaches, here’s why we need it
The function of the funeral is as vital to state as it is to the individual, says George Pitcher. Here’s how it helps us in our grief
Why it's healthy to look at the Queen’s coffin
It’s not strange to want to see a coffin; interacting with death physically is important, explains Lord Leslie Griffiths
Rob Parsons OBE: My meetings with the Queen
The founder of Care for the Family recalls his meetings with the late monarch
Tears and Celebrations: Katherine Jenkins' new hymn of remembrance following the Queen's death
Christian songwriter Andy Flannagan explains how, following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, he pulled together a team to produce a new hymn of remembrance, assurance, and thanksgiving
Our nation is experiencing widespread grief, loss and ‘death denial’. Here’s how the Church can help
The Queen’s death comes during turbulent times and hard on the heels of the Covid-19 pandemic. But the Church can help society heal, says Rev Canon Yvonne Richmond-Tulloch
The Christian faith of King Charles III
Over the years there has been much speculation about the personal faith of the future king…
Regular Columnists
The Queen's passing is a reminder that death is inevitable. But as Christians, we know it's not the end
The vast majority of Brits are uncomfortable with talking about death. Chine McDonald wonders if the pandemic coupled with the death of our Monarch might change that