All Book articles – Page 3

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    The Final Lap - John Wyatt


    This little book helpfully explores the three major transitions we face as we grow older – from working life to retirement; from independence to being dependent on others; and from living to dying. It is well-written and readable, with many useful insights. With only 61 pages of ...

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    Timothy Keller - Collin Hansen


    The late Timothy Keller was a masterful preacher and an inspiration to Western Christians who desire to winsomely share their faith in an increasingly sceptical and sometimes hostile culture. But rather than focus on Dr Keller’s life story, The Gospel Coalition editor Collin Hansen has written a ...

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    Created to Dream - Rick Warren


    Created to Dream is Rick Warren’s first book in ten years. Fans of The Purpose Driven Life will be pleased to see the pastor retaining his accessible and down-to-earth approach to theology. This book is full of Warren’s hard-won wisdom when it comes to achieving the goals ...

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    Unconventional - Sharon Dickens


    When Sharon Dickens was asked to set up a women’s ministry in her church in Glasgow, she looked for resources to help her. She found many that outlined good theological foundations, but nothing practical. After a decade of trial, error, growth and setbacks, she wrote the resource ...

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    Talking about death: a pastoral guide by Sue Walker


    Despite the title, this is not just a book for those in pastoral ministry. All of us have to face tough questions about death, and this offering from hospice chaplain Sue Walker will help. “Christians don’t need to avoid death-talk and can confidently face death head on”, ...

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    On getting out of bed - Alan Noble


    Suffering is normal. Many of us will experience some form of mental health struggle during our lives. Depending on your own unique situation, medicine, counsellors and/or friends may help. However, when it comes to deciding to get out of bed each morning, no one else can make ...

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    Forgive - Timothy Keller


    The latest book from prolific teacher and pastor Timothy Keller, Forgive is as good a book on the topic of forgiveness as you could hope to find. Full of cultural references and solid biblical exposition, Keller deftly explains why the need to forgive is so essential ...

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    Broken by love - Val Jeal MBE


    Val Jeal was 50 when her work with homeless men in Bristol began. Over the next 20 years, her reach extended to sex workers, drug users and their families. Starting from a place of vulnerability and inexperience, Val makes herself available to God who shapes her into ...

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    By bread alone - Kendall Vanderslice


    Professional baker and practical theologian Kendall Vanderslice unpacks an everyday truth: that “our spiritual lives are deeply connected to bread – the bread we break with family and friends, and the Bread that is Christ’s body”. Vanderslice argues that no food is more spiritually significant than bread, ...

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    Lennon, Dylan, Alice, and Jesus - Greg Laurie with Marshall Terrill


    Greg Laurie’s enjoyable book hurtles along like a train, travelling from the gospel roots of rock and roll and terminating at Justin Bieber. The church background of the “million dollar quartet” of Elvis, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis sets the scene. Laurie then investigates ...

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    I, Julian - Claire Gilbert


    Julian of Norwich’s 15th-century classic, Revelations of Divine Love, is widely regarded as the earliest manuscript written in English by a woman. But beyond that text, little is known about the remarkable woman who lived as an anchoress (or hermit) bricked into a small cell on the ...

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    Enough - Dr Kathrine McAleese


    Dr Kathrine McAleese’s book is a word in season for those of us who are suspicious of the latest self-help guru, but nonetheless want to hit the pause button and take stock of where we’re at in life, with a view to making some big changes. While ...

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    Why do I do what I don’t want to do? - JP Pokluda


    Jonathan Pokluda is a seasoned author and church leader from Texas, USA. His third book takes its name from Romans 7 and is split into two parts. The first examines standard sins such as lust and pride, while part two looks at the modern vices that particularly ...

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    Heartbreak, hope and holy moments - Kate Canty


    This overview of prison chaplaincy offers a wide variety of stories. While the scope is impressive, it sometimes feels like a collection of anecdotes, upended onto the page. As a former prison chaplain, Canty’s experiences are familiar. But it is not clear who this book is ...

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    The Church who hears God’s voice - Tanya Harris


    It is a rare to find an academic and prophet with a down-to-earth approach. It is even rarer to have them write an in-depth, yet accessible book about hearing God’s voice today. Tania Harris weaves a fascinating narrative, highlighting key points in history where the pendulum ...

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    Trapped in my emotions


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    Pastors have admitted to endorsing books they haven’t read. As a Christian publisher, I think change is needed


    A number of Christian leaders have admitted to endorsing a controversial new book on sex without reading it in full 

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    The falling of Dusk - Paul Dominiak


    This book is a detailed theological study of the last seven words spoken by Christ on the cross. Cambridge academic Dr Paul Dominiak has invited a cacophony of voices – believers and atheists alike – into a conversation about how faith and doubt coexist, and how we ...


    'Magisteria' expertly demolishes lazy myths about science and religion


    Many, but perhaps not all of us, will be familiar with the 1957 big-screen portrayal of Reginald Rose’s legendary drama Twelve Angry Men. For the uninitiated, and with a spoiler alert duly declared, the post-trial drama unfolds in an American courtroom, where the jurors are finalising the ...

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    Real Life

    A famous atheist endorsed my book about Jesus


    Michael Coren has been trying to break down barriers between atheists and Christians. He explains how his approach is resulting in small victories