All Theology articles – Page 12
Magazine Features
How to read the Bible
The Bible is a rich and complex book, and there are many different ways to read it, says Revd. Dr. Miranda Threlfall-Holmes
Does the Bible prohibit sex before marriage?
Last week the Methodist Church affirmed the status of cohabitation. Many Christians have assumed the Bible forbids sex outside of marriage. But what do the texts actually say?
Regular Columnists
What is the Kingdom of Heaven?
Lois Tverberg reflects on what Jesus meant when he spoke about the kingdom
Magazine Features
The Christian faith of CS Lewis
CS Lewis’ books communicate some of the most profound truths of the Christian faith in a way that all can understand, and remain classics to this day, says Alister McGrath
Magazine Features
3 ways to choose joy when your world is turned upside down
If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that change is unavoidable. Sarah Yardley shares her top tips on choosing joy regardless
Regular Columnists
Did Jesus die for aliens?
As the US military gets ready to release an unclassified report into UFOs, David Instone-Brewer looks at the biblical evidence for extra-terrestrial life
Regular Columnists
Mindfulness: Why Christians have nothing to fear and everything to gain
Illustration: Flix Gillet I used to sneer at ‘mindfulness’. As a Christian, I thought I was automatically an expert when it comes to the interior, ‘spiritual’ life and there was nothing I could learn about it from the secular world. I used to think mindfulness was a ...
Magazine Features
Reimagining Britain: God’s vision for a post-pandemic world
The Archbishop of Canterbury says we have an unprecedented opportunity to build a global community that reflects God’s heart for the poor and respects our planet. But real change will require courage – from all of us
Regular Columnists
A Good Eye: Unlocking Jesus’ commonly-misunderstood idiom
Lois Tverberg unlocks a Jewish idiom that Jesus used, but many of his followers have scratched their heads about
Joseph of Arimathea: The Secret Disciple
Dig beneath the surface of the Easter story and you will find some intriguing characters, says Chris Goswami. But just because they’re not given centre stage doesn’t mean we should pass them by. If we do, we miss a great story and some powerful life lessons.
Regular Columnists
Ask NT Wright Anything: Do pets go to Heaven?
Q: My daughter’s dog died recently and she is heartbroken. Will we see our pets again in heaven?
Regular Columnists
Does the gift of tongues still operate today? NT Wright gives his answer
Ahead of Pentecost Sunday, one of the world's leading New Testament scholars, Tom Wright, gives his view on the gift of tongues
Regular Columnists
NT Wright answers: Is it always a Christian duty to vote?
Q) Is it our Christian duty to always vote in elections, or is it OK to abstain if you don’t feel able to back either candidate?
Magazine Features
I don’t like your platitude: The case against Christian cliches
Christian cliches. We all know them. And we all use them. But are they more than harmless sayings? Nick Page wonders whether there is more danger in them than we think
Magazine Features
The prophetic significance of taking a knee
Ryan Galpin looks at whether Christian athletes should be taking the knee in support of racial justice
Magazine Features
What if Covid-19 really is God’s judgement?
It isn’t a popular viewpoint…but could it be true? RT Kendall thinks so
Magazine Features
Was Paul a good preacher?
The gospel spread in spite of Paul’s preaching, rather than because of it, suggests David Instone-Brewer
Magazine Features
To save a life is to save a world
Lois Tverberg explores the Hebraic principle which influenced the teachings of Jesus, and explains why it is relevant to today’s pandemic
Magazine Features
Who are the Hebrew Israelites and why do they believe that Jesus is black?
Megan Cornwell investigates the sect that believes African Americans are the true Hebrew Israelites