All Environment articles
I’m a Christian and I’ll be voting for the Green party
The Green Party is not expected to win in the Edinburgh constituency where Alison Proud lives. But as a member of Christian Climate Action, Alison says voting for the environment still counts, and is motivated by her Christian faith
Magazine Features
Should Christians care about climate change?
Climate scientists are warning that rises in global temperatures will have catastrophic consequences for the planet. In a recent survey, 90 per cent of Premier Christianity readers agreed climate change should be a concern for the Church, but were divided over how pressing an issue it should be. So should we prioritise the environment or evangelism? Three Christians share their views
How the religious right became climate sceptics
Evangelicals in the USA didn’t get their environmental scepticism from the Bible. It’s come from elsewhere, explains Neall Pogue
Magazine Features
A rubbish campaign
Every minute in sub-Saharan Africa, enough plastic waste to cover a football pitch is openly dumped or burned.
I am asking in the name of God - Pope Francis
This is Pope Francis’ manifesto for divine transformation in a world that he suggests is in crisis. The tone is like that of a devoted but concerned father, passing on some of the wisdom and insights he has gathered over a long life, well lived. From the ...
Rolling back on green pledges is unchristian and unfair
The government’s U-turn on environmental policies will negatively impact the poorest in our society, both here and abroad, says Holly-Anna Petersen. It is not what God would have us do
Apple’s pagan advert is offensive to Christians
Apple’s latest advert sees Mother Nature assessing the tech giant’s green credentials. But Apple would never dare depict Christian faith, says Kate Orson. Why are they willing to dabble with paganism?
What Christians can learn from Just Stop Oil
Is climate activism the new religion? Amid the party politics surrounding green policies - from the Uxbridge by-election to new oil and gas drilling licences in Scotland - George Pitcher argues there is much the Church could learn about loving our enemies from those on the frontlines of campaigning for change
Christians, climate change is not an environmental campaign – it’s a racial justice issue
Instead of taking responsibility for clearing up our climate mess, Britons are pushing that burden onto Black and Brown people in the poorest communities around the world, says Holly-Anna Petersen
From witchcraft to Orthodoxy
The writer and environmentalist Paul Kingsnorth was attracted to nature religions, but says Jesus ‘dragged’ him out of Wicca and towards him
Standing up for creation is a sacred sacrifice. My Christian friends came close to prison this week
Those in power want to clamp down on our right to peaceful protest. If it happens, it will seriously undermine our democratic freedoms
Can fashion be sustainable, ethical and affordable? Oh yes, say these Christian entrepreneurs
Meet the Christians who are determined to prove that affordable fashion doesn’t have to cost the earth
I’ve seen the devastation caused by climate change, and Christians must act now
Rich Smith has travelled to some of the poorest regions on earth and seen the most severe effects of global warming with his own eyes. Here in the UK, we may still be able to feed our families, he says, but, make no mistake, climate change will affect us all
What matters most: sin or climate change?
Dr Ian Paul asks: does it have to be an either/or choice?
Is it Christian to block the roads, even if the world is burning?
Christian MP Tim Farron shares his view…
The climate change ‘code red for humanity’ headlines are apocalyptic. Here are 4 things Christians must do
A major new report from the UN predicts a future of famines, floods and droughts unless action is taken now to prevent climate change. But is it news, and what should Christians do?
Why Christian teenagers are writing to G7 leaders this week
As some of the world’s most powerful leaders arrive in Cornwall, Christian teens are urging them to take action on climate change
Don’t let climate campaigners guilt-trip you into action. There is a better way
So much campaigning on climate change is rooted in guilt and fear, says Josh Seligman, as he argues for a very different, and more Christian way of thinking