RT Kendall
Robert Tillman (R.T.) Kendall pastored at Westminster Chapel, London for 25 years and has authored dozens of books. Find him at www.rtkendallministries.org
- Magazine Features
RT Kendall: Here’s what my ‘finest hour’ will look like…
My finest hour won’t be my greatest sermon or book, says RT Kendall. Drawing inspiration from the life of David, the Bible teacher explains what his finest hour will look like, and reveals how you can have one too
- Magazine Features
God is revealing the secret sins of Christian leaders
It’s only a matter of time before all is revealed, says RT Kendall. Either in this life, or the next
- Opinion
‘Dear Justin…’ RT Kendall’s open letter to Archbishop of Canterbury on sexuality
Bible teacher RT Kendall explains why he believes the Church of England must urgently change course on last week’s decision to allow same-sex blessings
- Magazine Features
Why you should stop saying ‘God told me’ in 2023
RT Kendall explains why your New Year’s resolution should be to drop this common phrase
- Magazine Features
The surprise of Christmas
Into the darkness of Galilee a great light came. RT Kendall wonders if we could be on the cusp of our own revival this Christmas
- Regular Columnists
The road less travelled: How to live for God alone
The temptation to seek affirmation from people rather than God will send you down an unfruitful path, warns RT Kendall
- Magazine Features
What really happened to Jesus on the cross?
RT Kendall reflects on the emotions Christ experienced at Calvary
- Opinion
Natural disasters: can we still trust the sovereignty of God?
The tornados in Kentucky remind us that life is fragile. But we can still trust God, says RT Kendall
- Magazine Features
RT Kendall answers: What’s the point in being a Christian?
Following Jesus means walking a narrow road, filled with difficulty and suffering. But we persevere because of the promise of heaven, says RT Kendall
- Opinion
Speaking for God? RT Kendall on the problem with saying 'God told me...'
Last year, a significant number of well-known and respected Christian leaders in the USA prophesied Donald Trump would be re-elected President. The fact that so many got it wrong has left the American charismatic movement reeling. In teaching on the prophetic gift, RT Kendall says much more caution is required, before any Christian can utter the words "Thus saith the Lord…"
- Magazine Features
What if Covid-19 really is God’s judgement?
It isn’t a popular viewpoint…but could it be true? RT Kendall thinks so
- Magazine Features
An audience of one: RT Kendall on how to live for God's approval
RT Kendall explains why God’s opinion is the only one that matter
- Magazine Features
RT Kendall: When Word and Spirit come together, revival will follow
Christians have taken sides for too long. Either we’ve pursued strong biblical teaching, or we’ve gone after an experience of God’s presence. It’s time to end the war, says RT Kendall
- Opinion
RT Kendall: 8 observations on the Hebrides Revival
It's 70 years since the Hebrides Revival took place. RT Kendall reflects on what lessons today's Church might learn from what took place
- Magazine Features
Do you want more FROM God or more OF God?
The difference between wanting more from God and wanting more of God is subtle but vitally important, says RT Kendall
- Opinion
'He needed my theology, I needed his power' RT Kendall on the life of Paul Cain
Author and speaker RT Kendall describes the life of Paul Cain (1929-2019); a man who, according to Kendall, had extraordinary gifts but whose moral failings meant he didn't end the race well
- Opinion
RT Kendall: Why I read this Bible verse every day
The popular author and speaker writes on the Bible verse he is reading every day in 2019
- Magazine Features
RT Kendall: How to be popular in heaven and famous in hell
The popular author and speaker explains why every Christian should seek notoriety among angels and demons
- Opinion
RT Kendall pays tribute to his late friend Dr Michael Eaton
RT Kendall remembers his friend Dr. Michael Eaton (1943-2017)
- Opinion
RT Kendall on the highest spiritual plateau you can reach
The former minister of Westminster Chapel Dr RT Kendall reflects on Christ's example of forgiving others