The rapture is imminent. We are in the “fourth quarter” of the world, according to American Christian author Max Lucado. But What Happens Next isn’t full of doom and gloom. It’s a surprisingly positive take on the end of the world.
This book is a travel guide, designed to help you prepare to eventually meet your maker. As is the norm with Lucado’s writing, it is relatable and inherently readable.
While his positive spin on a sometimes scary subject is welcome, his “it’s all going to be OK” rhetoric is repeated too often. The instruction to put everything in God’s hands can come across as blasé, failing to acknowledge the genuine anxiety many readers will have when it comes to this topic.
That said, the book is helpful in giving us a vague (potential) timeline of future events, and most importantly, a reminder that meeting our maker will be an overwhelmingly positive experience for the believer. Lucado’s emphasis is that we’re going home. What could be better than that?

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