This is a book for those of us who have either struggled with a church, left a church or perhaps have friends in the process of deconstructing.
It’s a book about honesty. Honesty about what the Church is, and what it should be. What Church hurt feels like, and the potential for healing that comes when we talk to people who understand or have experienced it.
The Hope in Our Scars doesn’t make for easy reading – but it does deliver on its promise to leave you feeling hopeful by the end.
Despite the obvious pain in her words, one of the most striking things about this author is her obvious love for the Church, the broken yet beautiful bride of Christ: “Beauty captivates us because it tells a story. It’s the story our hearts already know and long for…The bride shines like the dawn.”
The theme of hope is well articulated by Byrd: “Theology comes alive when we read the Bible with an eschatological imagination – that is, a wonder and curiosity of where God is taking us.” And, of course, the Bible makes it clear that the Church is part of God’s great plan for the cosmos, which can and should give us hope too.

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