All Book review articles

  • Book-cover-032323

    The Narrow Path - Rich Villodas


    Rich Villodas is a New York pastor faithfully and boldly leading a church in a tricky place. His ministry emphasis is spiritual formation, and his latest book is no exception, as Villodas offers a helpful set of reflections on and around the sermon on the mount. There’s ...

  • Book-cover-02342

    What Happens Next - Max Lucado


    The rapture is imminent. We are in the “fourth quarter” of the world, according to American Christian author Max Lucado. But What Happens Next isn’t full of doom and gloom. It’s a surprisingly positive take on the end of the world. This book is a travel guide, ...

  • Fully Alive Elizabeth Oldfield

    ‘Fully Alive’: An honest exploration of the Christian faith


    Elizabeth Oldfield’s new book is a non-patronising attempt to explain why Christianity is more relevant than ever in the modern life. It the ideal book for Christians and non-Christians alike says Emma Fowle

  • Book-cover-July05

    You Are a Tree - Joy Marie Clarkson


    You Are a Tree is a compilation of meditations which draw on seven metaphors contained in the scriptures. Written to “nourish life, thought and prayer”, Joy Marie Clarkson delves into the concept of being firmly grounded in a world where the current condition is one of detachment, ...

  • Book-cover-0July3

    Urban Apologetics: Cults and cultural ideologies - Eric Mason


    Edited by Eric Mason, this book is a collection of essays written by church leaders to address the rise of modern-day cults. A useful apologetic tool, the contributors highlight issues that primarily apply in Western nations, such as the US and UK. It touches on how cults ...

  • Book-cover-July01

    Victory is My Name - Nicola Morrison


    Readers will soon realise that writing this autobiography formed a key part of Nicola Morrison’s healing journey. It is a detailed account of her story, from childhood games on a Sega Megadrive to midlife achievements as a BBC reporter – into which is woven her experience ...

  • Book-cover-0July2

    The Hopeful Activist - Rich Gower and Rachel Walker


    We live in a broken world and many of us want to try and fix it. This book by Tearfund’s Rich Gower and communications specialist Rachel Walker is a guide for those on a journey of activism – even if you’re right at the beginning. The book ...

  • Book-cover-03june

    Yearning For the Vast and Endless Sea - Chris Russell


    Here’s a book to excite you, especially if you’ve lost your passion for the gospel message. It aims to stir the flames of a burning desire to tell others the good news. Written by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s advisor for evangelism, Chris Russell, the book comes complete ...

  • Book-cover-june1

    Field Notes for the Wilderness - Sarah Bessey


    Disappointed with the Church? With God? With ourselves? Many Christians find themselves in a wilderness place at some point in their lives. Sarah Bessey’s Field Notes for the Wilderness examines the reasons why this might be so, and offers suggestions for navigating a way through what can ...

  • Book-cover-0422

    Notes on Feminism - Lauren Windle


    Lauren Windle’s Notes on Feminism is a strikingly bold collection of notes on a theme, in which the author names some of the unspoken realities which will be familiar to many Christian women. Windle doesn’t shy away from articulating unspoken stereotypes: “Many people feel that the ...

  • Book-cover-01423222

    Nice Churchy Patriarchy - Liz Cooledge Jenkins


    If you agree that Christian women are victims of the patriarchy and the evils of traditional gender roles, then you might value these anecdotes of a feminist navigating her way through the American Church. Otherwise, I do not find much to commend it. Liz Cooledge Jenkins recounts ...

  • Book-cover-014222

    Untangle Your Emotions - Jennie Allen


    In her sixth non-fiction title, BIble teacher Jennie Allen continues her journey into the world of Christian pop-psychology. Best known as the founder of global women’s ministry, IF:Gathering, Allen begun her career writing Bible studies, and became known for her chatty, personable style. Over the years, her ...

  • F1J9R2

    Acclaimed novelist Marilynne Robinson on Reading Genesis, imagining heaven and (not) insulting God


    The Pulitzer Prize-winning author says she’s proof that the world isn’t as antagonistic towards Christians as many assume 

  • Book-cover-0411

    Elisabeth Elliot - Lucy S R Austen


    If you are among the millions of people who’ve read Elisabeth Elliot’s bestselling book Through Gates of Splendor (Tyndale), then this biography’s subject will be familiar to you. If not, then keep reading, because evangelicalism on both sides of the Atlantic has been heavily influenced by Elliot. ...

  • Book-cover-0333

    When Jesus Met Hippies - Andrew Whitman


    Interested in revival, the birth of Christian rock music or charismatic renewal? Don’t miss this book, says our reviewer

  • Book-cover-0111

    Practicing the Way - John Mark Comer


    John Mark Comer’s latest book is a must-read, says our reviewer

  • John Mark Comer Practicing the Way

    Practicing the Way: A life changing guide to being a disciple of Jesus


    When Covid-19 gripped the globe, John Mark Comer’s The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry became a worldwide bestseller. Four years later, his next book offers a transformational approach to walking with Jesus, says Chris Goswami 

  • Book-cover-041

    City of Echoes - Jessica Wärnberg


    Jessica Wärnberg has a background in religious history and the history of art; she certainly brings an artistic touch to this magnificent book. Painting word pictures using shades, colour and contrast, Wärnberg demonstrates rigorous research and a deft touch in handling complex historical material. This is a ...

  • Book-cover-031

    One - Clive Bowsher


    It’s always a good sign when a book makes you miss your stop on the tube. One is that kind of book; it draws you in and forces you to consider just how good the gospel really is. On the surface, One is a book about ...

  • Book-cover-021

    Activating the Voice of God in Your Home - Matt Holman


    Matt Holman’s book is the product of many years honing his gift of prophecy and teaching it to others. The result is a well-constructed yet simple book, full of practical advice. Each section is themed, with a biblical base and activations. In many cases, everyday items ...