Thomas Creedy

Thomas Creedy

Thomas Creedy is editorial director for IVP and theologian at large for the south west London Vineyard

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    The Narrow Path - Rich Villodas


    Rich Villodas is a New York pastor faithfully and boldly leading a church in a tricky place. His ministry emphasis is spiritual formation, and his latest book is no exception, as Villodas offers a helpful set of reflections on and around the sermon on the mount.

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    Black Liturgies - Cole Arthur Riley


    This book has been marketed for “anyone asking what it means to be human”, but I suspect its actual audience will be more focused than that. As the author and African-American poet Cole Arthur Riley herself writes: “I was desperate for a liturgical space that could center Black emotion, Black ...

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    Elisabeth Elliot - Lucy S R Austen


    If you are among the millions of people who’ve read Elisabeth Elliot’s bestselling book Through Gates of Splendor (Tyndale), then this biography’s subject will be familiar to you. If not, then keep reading, because evangelicalism on both sides of the Atlantic has been heavily influenced by Elliot.

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    One - Clive Bowsher


    It’s always a good sign when a book makes you miss your stop on the tube. One is that kind of book; it draws you in and forces you to consider just how good the gospel really is.

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    Hopeward - Dai Hankey


    Cardiff-based pastor Dai Hankey has written a lovely little book for Christians who aren’t giving up, but are weary. The author, a former skateboarder and DJ, points us to a longer, slower, deeper faith; or as he puts it in relation to Jesus: “his invitation to the weary is to ...

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    Intentional interruptions - Jonathan Thomas


    This excellent book has something for everyone, says our reviewer

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    A curious faith - Lore Ferguson


    A Curious Faith will especially help those who are perhaps flirting with deconstruction, asking questions about the faith they’ve inherited. Ferguson Wilbert makes space for doubt within an orthodox theology: “I need God to be more sovereign than I am, more faithful, more kind, more creative, more of every good ...

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    Pastors have admitted to endorsing books they haven’t read. As a Christian publisher, I think change is needed


    A number of Christian leaders have admitted to endorsing a controversial new book on sex without reading it in full 

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    Loving disagreement - Christopher Landau


    Have you ever disagreed with another Christian? Do you have questions about the bounds of Church unity, or wonder at what point you should leave a church or recognise a state of disunity? Writing from an Anglican perspective, Christopher Landau’s new book aims to tackle these questions.

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    Lydia - Paula Gooder


    The latest book from New Testament scholar Paula Gooder is her second work of fiction, and follows the story of Lydia, mentioned only fleetingly in the New Testament (Acts 16 and Philippians).

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    Leadership Or Servanthood? - Hwa Yung


    There’s no doubting that the Church has a leadership problem. The roll call of high-profile leaders that have fallen, failed or been exposed in recent years is sobering. Obviously, human sin is the ultimate cause, but perhaps our model of leadership is also flawed, argues Hwa Yung, who offers a ...

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    Count It All Joy: A punchy book on the paradox of suffering


    This is a short, punchy and readable look at the paradox of suffering in the Christian life. In contrast to many so-called evangelical accounts, Perkins shows us that an element of suffering is a regular, expected and transforming part of what it means to follow Jesus.

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    The Reset - Jeremy Riddle


    Jeremy Riddle knows a lot about worship music – the former Bethel Church songwriter has spent his adult life working and ministering in that world – and so when he suggests that something is deeply wrong, we should pay attention.