There’s no doubting that the Church has a leadership problem. The roll call of high-profile leaders that have fallen, failed or been exposed in recent years is sobering. Obviously, human sin is the ultimate cause, but perhaps our model of leadership is also flawed, argues Hwa Yung, who offers a renewed focus on the shepherd paradigm.
This book rightly resists uncritical adoption of secular or business leadership models and invites us to instead look more closely at the example of Jesus and his first followers. Writing at the end of a faithful ministry, both locally and internationally, Yung offers a new perspective that has not yet been tried.
A particular highlight is the searing emphasis on the heart and character of the leader. The author not only bears his soul and wounds, but provides wisdom and practical suggestion for what readers can do in response to this. Consider buying your church leader a copy – not to add to their to-do list but to encourage them in their discipleship.