All Free Speech articles
Why Mark Zuckerberg’s free speech reforms offer Christians hope
Mark Zuckerberg’s pledge sparks hope for the future of digital liberty, but there is still a long way to go in the fight for freedom of expression says Paul Coleman
Police won’t charge JK Rowling for her views – but what about the beliefs of Christians?
The Harry Potter author was quick to test a new Scottish law which criminalises “stirring up hate”. Police say no action will be taken against her, but the legislation could still prohibit Christians from speaking up on marriage, sex and abortion, says Lois McLatchie
Magazine Features
Is free speech under threat?
As a survey suggests a quarter of young people would ban the Bible if it contained hate speech, and Christians are wrongfully arrested while street preaching, Heather Tomlinson investigates: Is our freedom of speech being eroded?
Radical Islam is a threat to Christian democracy. It must be defeated
The conflict in Israel and Gaza is much bigger than the Middle East, says Bishop Joseph D’Souza. Peace requires Western democracies to stand up to extremists, not appease them
My husband’s job offer was withdrawn because of his Christian beliefs
Felix Ngole won a landmark legal case against the University of Sheffield in 2019 after they expelled him for his views on sexuality and marriage. Now he has had a job offer withdrawn for the same reason. His wife shares their story
From Madonna to Sam Smith – Why do pop stars suddenly think blasphemy is acceptable?
The cross provokes big emotions of every kind, so we shouldn’t be surprised when celebrities despise and desecrate it. But free speech is a two-way street, says Tony Wilson
Muslim film protesters have no right to not be offended
People are perfectly within their rights to peacefully protest, but bowing to threats creates a dangerous precedent that undermines the Christian values of freedom of thought and belief, says James Mildred
Elon Musk is wrong about Twitter
Don’t listen to Elon Musk: the kind of free speech Twitter enables is not essential to a functioning democracy, says Rev George Pitcher
Dear Facebook, death threats are morally repugnant - even in war
Whatever we think of Putin and the invasion of Ukraine, Jesus calls us to love our enemy, not wish death upon them.
Street preachers keep being arrested. I have a plan to stop this from happening
Ideas that offend, shock and disturb should be permitted, but free speech in the UK is not in robust health, warns Paul Diamond
Why Christians should oppose a ‘gay conversion therapy’ ban
Pastoral ministry is a private consensual conversation, but activists are seeking to criminalise it, says the chief executive of Christian Concern
Banning online anonymity is a seriously bad idea, and could jeopardise our freedom to share the gospel
In the wake of the tragic murder of Sir David Amess, some politicians have suggested ending the ability to be anonymous online. But requiring individuals to verify their identity won’t end online abuse, and it could even put persecuted Christians at risk
Christians like me are being silenced in our universities. Freedom of speech must be restored
Universities should be environments of open debate. Instead, Christian academics fear their careers will be adversely affected if they speak about their faith, reports Fiona Bruce MP
Archive news
Is street preaching under threat?
Following the conviction of two street preachers, Christians are asking questions about how to preach an offensive gospel with gentleness and respect. Sam Hailes reports.