Martyn Whittock
Martyn Whittock is a Licensed Lay Minister in the Church of England. As an historian and author, or co-author, of fifty-five books, his work covers a wide range of historical and theological themes. As a commentator and columnist, he has written for several print and online news platforms and has been frequently interviewed on TV and radio discussing the interaction of faith and politics, events in the USA and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He has also written about the impact of end-times beliefs on culture and politics. Recent books include Trump and the Puritans (Biteback), The Secret History of Soviet Russia’s Police State (Robinson), Jesus the Unauthorized Biography, The Story of the Cross (Lion), The End Times, Again? and Apocalyptic Politics (Cascade).
- News Analysis
This brutal shooting is a reminder of ongoing divisions in Northern Ireland
Below the surface of normality that has been a product of the Good Friday Agreement, the threat of sectarian violence has never totally gone away. Historian Martyn Whittock unpacks the context that led to Wednesday’s shooting of an off duty police inspector in Omagh
- Magazine Features
Why the rise of Christian Nationalism around the world is deeply concerning
The rise of the religious far right poses a serious threat to democracy around the world, says Martyn Whittock. Will conservative Christians take heed?
- News Analysis
Christians rioting in Brazil are undermining democracy in the name of Jesus
The recent riots inside Brazil’s governmental buildings has uncomfortable echoes of the storming of Capitol Hill, and in both cases Christians played a central role, says Martyn Whittock
- Opinion
Why did King Charles vow to protect the Church of Scotland?
Historian Martyn Whittock explains why the new King swore an oath to "maintain and preserve the Settlement of the true Protestant Religion as established by the Laws made in Scotland”
- Opinion
Mikhail Gorbachev: The man who unintentionally fought for religious freedom
Historian Martyn Whittock reflects on how Mikhail Gorbachev’s desire to reform the Eastern Bloc brought freedom of expression and religion to many
- Magazine Features
Why the image of the crucifixion should still shock Christians
The early Christians found the crucifixion so shocking that they didn’t make an image of it for 200 years. Historian Martyn Whittock charts how the Church has depicted the cross since then
- Opinion
The religious dimension of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine explained
Putin is not a madman. He has his reasons, and some of them are religious, explains Martyn Whittock
- Opinion
Franklin Graham is speculating in his end times tweet to Boris Johnson. No one knows when Jesus will return
Caution is needed. Christians have got their end times theology badly wrong in the past, says evangelical historian Martyn Whittock