All Debate articles
Societal views on gender are shifting for the better. Christians are on the right side of history
Christians have often felt on the backfoot when it comes to debates around issues such as sexuality, abortion and transgender. But Peter Lynas believes significant shifts are taking place in Western culture and there are good reasons to be optimistic
Magazine Editorial
From the editor: Why I’m against assisted suicide
A change in the law could be disastrous, says Sam Hailes, as he introduces Premier’s new campaign
News Analysis
African Methodists fear aid will be withdrawn as Western church liberalises on sexuality
At its most recent conference in the USA, the United Methodist Church removed the prohibition on considering openly LGBT candidates for ordained ministry. There’s a growing divide between Africa and the West on sexuality, reports Winile Ximba
Chaos in the Commons - a Christian response
This week’s Westminster meltdown was a seriously bad look for Britain, and damaging for our democracy, says James Mildred. Vital issues are at stake, and we need our leaders to model convicted civility.
Dawkins dodges a debate…again
The most famous atheist in the world has stated "there are no good arguments" for God’s existence, yet continues to run away from debating a philosopher who appears to have plenty, says Andy Bannister
3 biblical principles on freedom of speech
Transgender rights protesters were unsuccessful in their campaign to prevent Kathleen Stock from speaking at the Oxford Union this week. The Bible doesn’t specifically address the topic of freedom of speech, but it does provide Christians with these helpful principles, explains CARE’s Peter Ladd
News Analysis
What now for the Church of England and gay marriage?
After years of debate, the Church of England could be weeks away from changing its position on same-sex marriage. But will the outcome satisfy either side? Tim Wyatt looks ahead to what may happen
Magazine Features
Dawkins vs Collins: The world’s most famous atheist meets a leading Christian geneticist
Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins recently sat down with Justin Brierley for a Big Conversation on science and faith…and they got on surprisingly well
Why the 'science vs religion' debate is changing for good
Belief in old tropes about science and religion is changing for good, says this new research
Dismantling Lord Vinson’s bizarre claim that Jesus’ death was assisted suicide
As peers debated assisted suicide in the House of Lords last week, one Lord’s contribution jumped out as particularly remarkable
This powerful book is forcing the Church to re-think what the Bible says about women
The Making of Biblical Womanhood argues that Christians have distorted key verses and even written women out of Bible translations to justify their position
Magazine Features
Is it time for Christians to embrace Halloween?
The Church has traditionally shunned the festival, claiming it celebrates evil. Here’s an alternative perspective
Why both sides of the abortion debate are guilty of dehumanising someone
Following yesterday’s House of Commons debate on the divisive issue of abortion, Tim Farron MP says we need to remember the humanity of all involved
Magazine Features
YouTube is the new front line for religious debates. St Paul would have loved it
The modern-day Areopagus is increasingly providing Christians with spiritual content and is an ideal platform for evangelism and debate, says Chris Goswami
For the Record: Tony Campolo needs to think again
Bible scholar Ian Paul says that Tony Campolo's new affirmation of same-sex relationships is at odds with his commitment to take the call of the gospel seriously.
William Lane Craig: The Christian professor who 'puts the fear of God' into atheists
He’s been dubbed the Christian apologist who puts the fear of God into leading atheists. So what’s so scary about William Lane Craig?