Metamorphosis sets out to help the struggling but committed believer to pursue God’s best for them. This recommended process of growth and transformation owes as much to the ancient practices of the past – particularly Ignatian spirituality – as it does to the modern-day wisdom of the author.
Over the course of three thoughtfully considered chapters, Leeds-based church leader Matt Hatch takes the reader on a carefully curated journey of spiritual discovery aimed at nurturing the emerging disciple that he believes exists within each one of us.
Chapter one outlines the biblical hallmarks of healthy discipleship with a focus on surrender, encounter and obedience. The next chapter focuses on how God changes us from the inside out, with an emphasis on how we see ourselves, set alongside how God actually sees us (the imago Dei), while the final chapter offers practical resources and useful guidance on the tools and disciplines required to help us develop our relationships up, in and out – towards God, ourselves and our neighbours.
While the author’s passion for his subject is both welcome and hard to miss, some readers will be left wondering if he hasn’t reinvented the spiritual wheel, as much of what he has to say – “Looking forward to look back”, undertaking an Examen, developing a Rule of Life and exploring the means of grace – are ideas that have been around for centuries. Admittedly, these practices are beginning to be (re)discovered and embraced by certain parts of the Church, and this book is evidence of this.
Hatch might have unwittingly, but very helpfully, led us down the ancient paths and good ways that the prophet Jeremiah teaches bring rest for our souls (see 6:16).

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