All illness articles
Real Life
‘I encountered God through Psalm 23 in the midst of my cancer treatment’
When Alex MacDougall was diagnosed with cancer, his world fell apart. In the depth of painful treatment and uncertainty, he had a radical encounter with God. Here, he tells the story of how a psalm set to music brought him peace and hope
Magazine Features
Your body is a temple. So should you join the war on Ultra Processed Food?
A lot of our food isn’t really food at all; it’s a mix of increasingly refined and manufactured substances designed to keep costs low and shelf-lives long. As a popular new book takes aim at the food industry, Martin Saunders considers how Christians should respond
Magazine Features
'My work on earth isn't done yet' Two evangelists on facing serious illness, praying for healing and divine joy
Evangelists Carl Beech and Steve Legg have been friends for more than 20 years. They have pioneered ministries and travelled the world telling people about Christ. Earlier this year, Carl was diagnosed with young onset Parkinson’s disease, while Steve was told the cancer he’s been battling meant he had just five months to live. They discuss chronic illness and terminal diagnoses, their different attitudes to healing and facing the future – whatever it holds – with joy
Thank God it's Monday
The paediatric nurse: 'I can't imagine doing this job without God'
The Church is made up of Christians from a myriad of different professions, and yet their ordinary tales of God at work rarely get told. In this series, we bring you stories of faith on the frontline
Real Life
‘My daughter’s heart stopped as I watched on helplessly’
When 14-month-old Liberty Feesey visited her GP with a persistent cough, her father, Paul, had no idea that only 24 hours later she would be in intensive care fighting for her life
Real Life
Bowel cancer led my husband to Jesus. I pray it does for Dame Debs too
When Louise Blyth’s husband died of bowel cancer aged 34, his death was marked by a supernatural peace that led them both to find faith
Real Life
‘Cancer has caused my faith to soar’
When she was diagnosed with stage three bowel cancer, Fi Johnston wondered if her faith would stand the test
Real Life
'A vision from God lifted me from the pit of despair'
At just 22, a seizure left Erica Gomez bedridden and in constant pain. But throughout her trials, she’s learned to rely on the presence of a saviour who is always there