The Church is made up of Christians from a myriad of different professions, and yet their ordinary tales of God at work rarely get told. In this series, we bring you stories of faith on the frontline
My name is Sibo Hakata, and I’m a paediatric nurse specialising in caring for children with life-limiting and chronic illnesses. I provide respite, palliative and community care. Initially, I worked in hospital settings, focusing on special care for premature babies, before transitioning to paediatric research. But then I had the opportunity to work in the community, which I discovered to be a more natural approach to caring for children.
I strive to make each day of every child’s life as special as possible. My role involves administering medication, assisting with feeding through tubes and providing personal care to children in their homes. This respite allows parents to do other things, as well as have some time to breathe.
I can’t imagine doing this job without God. I pray for my patients and their parents, and ask God to make me sensitive to their needs. The Holy Spirit gives me compassion and resilience. I am a parent myself, so I can imagine how hard it is to see your child in a situation like this.
There have been instances where patients have asked me about God, and I share within the scope of my role. I talk about how my hope carries me through each day, and silently pray over the people I care for.
Praying is the most powerful support I can offer. I was once asked by a little boy to pray for him, and it was a privilege to do so. I encouraged him to talk with God anytime, and assured him that God is always present and listening.
I don’t Bible bash, but rather demonstrate God’s love and joy through my actions. My role is to be the light of Jesus in a challenging environment. When colleagues have noticed a certain ‘lightness’ in me, I say: “It’s not me, it’s what’s inside me!” In the world that I work in, it’s easier to show people than to say.
My work is demanding, especially seeing children through to the end of their lives. Please pray for patients and their parents to encounter Jesus through me and others caring for them. And please pray that I will have the courage to show who God is in the midst of everything.
Sibo was speaking to Paul Woolley

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