The Church is made up of Christians from a myriad of different professions, and yet their ordinary tales of God at work rarely get told. In this series, we bring you stories of faith on the frontline 


My name is Rebekah, and I’m an independent domestic violence advisor (IDVA) for a charity based in the south-west of England. I primarily work with victims of domestic abuse, both female and male. I support people who are at high risk, which means working with those who are at risk of homicide or suicide. 

We take survivors through the whole court process and I advocate for them in spaces where they don’t feel comfortable or confident. My job is to be a voice where they don’t feel they have one. I take them to an empty court room and show them where they’re going to sit and stand. We role play the questions they might be asked when giving evidence. On the trial date, I will sit with them in court and ask for breaks on their behalf. I will call them with the verdict and support them after. We don’t close a case until the survivor is ready. 

The work is challenging, but there are pockets of hope. There are days when I come home exhausted and feel like the justice system has let everyone down. When there’s a positive outcome, it is the greatest joy. The work feels purposeful. It is good when a perpetrator pleads guilty and doesn’t drag their victim through a court battle.

My job is to be a voice where they don’t feel they have one

I seek to give my all in every situation – many of which are complex. I am dealing with broken people and the criminal justice system. I seek to be a mouthpiece for truth and justice. I see evil every day, and I am often frustrated and angry. God breaks my heart with what breaks his. I cling to the hope that Jesus is greater than these situations, and closer to the victims than they can possibly imagine. 

I am praying throughout my day, every day. I will be sitting in the public gallery of the court praying, often subconsciously. The work I do has definitely strengthened my faith. Please pray for the court system and all who are trying to bring about justice. Please also pray for victims of domestic abuse, and pray that perpetrators will understand that there is a different way to live their life.

Rebekah was speaking to Paul Woolley