All Regular Columnists articles – Page 13
Regular Columnists
Offensive Grace
It’s been an odd 24 hours. I’ve been sworn at by half a dozen people, none of whom know me or one another, but apparently despise me nevertheless. I received three messages from one young mother telling me that I made her sick to her stomach and that I surely couldn’t be a parent. In one particularly vitriolic email, I was advised that I’m as bad as a child molester.
Regular Columnists
Let us pray
I’ve never been much good at prayer. Perhaps I need to join a group. ‘Hi. My name is Jeff, and I’m addicted to activity...and conversation.’
Regular Columnists
Love the moment
Growing up means that you are supposed to leave childish behaviour behind. I've think I've largely succeeded. If you disagree, I won’t play with you any more, so there.
Regular Columnists
Small choices
Smiling doesn’t come easily to me. I’m not Victor Meldrew with a Bible, a practised misery with facial features permanently arranged in a gloomy scowl. And I don’t see life as a safari, ever hunting for more opportunities to frown.
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: Tents Moments
Before embarking on the Christian journey, I was warned that the pathway ahead might be littered with perils ...
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: Life before death... and after
Sometimes important things slip from my mind. A person at church asks me for prayer, and panic sets in because I realise that I can’t remember their name.
Regular Columnists
Tougher than nails
Christians don’t usually arm themselves with crowbars. But on a crisp autumnal day, Kathleen Folden, a truck driver, marched into our local museum, and began smashing the glass that surrounded a painting by a Stanford-based artist, Enrique Chagoya.
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: Longing for a King
My encounters with the royal family have been limited. I’d love to be able to say that I’ve spent happy days hobnobbing with the Windsors but, alas, it’s just not true.
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: Showtime
Yesterday I went to a strip club. It was my first time, but not, I hope, my last. Outside, a sign screamed GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS!
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: Take it from Larry
In the late 1970s, the world was in the grip of a fashion demon that roamed the earth. Otherwise sensible people adorned themselves in the most grotesque garb, stupefied into believing that super-sized flares looked cool.
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: Offended by the minister
It’s confession time. One of the ministers at our church irritates me. He’s a nice enough chap, but I’m finding his preaching rather boring, and he preaches a lot. Sometimes I groan when I know it’s him again. He tries really hard, peppering his talks with anecdotes and warm humour. But recently I got to the point where I decided that if I had to listen to him preach just one more time, I’d end up breaking something.
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: Why I’m not in love with Jesus
It’s a question that I have wrestled with from my earliest days as a Christian, and one that vexes me still, because of who it is that asks. Jesus.
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: Learning to hear from God
It’s a phrase that’s bandied about too frequently in Christian circles: The Lord told me. We’ve all met those breathlessly confident souls who imply that everything they do is directed by the voice of God.
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: Strange Fire
The charismatic/pentecostal movement includes around 500 million people worldwide – about 25% of the total number of professing Christians. That’s a lot of people. And according to one man, John MacArthur, they are guilty of blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
Regular Columnists
Popeye Lucas: Nearly four decades of pastoral leadership has taught me this unpalatable truth: people rarely change
It being the New Year, I’ve been pondering potential resolutions. I’m going easy on myself this time around. Rather than aspiring to lofty, impossible goals, I’ve settled on some more reachable objectives.
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: Unhappy Campers
God is a camper. And I am not. I’ve tried the outdoorsy life, lured by the gentle pitter-patter of rain on canvas, late night chatter around a roaring campfire, and the cocooning warmth of a sleeping bag.
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: The Cactus Stalkers
Staying overnight at a bed and breakfast this week, we found the bed to be comfortable, but the breakfast not quite so. We began the day seated around a large kitchen table shared with the other guests, which included a couple of enthusiastic evangelists. Their passion was unswerving, and unnerving with it. With no idea that we were believers, their eyes glowed with joy as they breathlessly chattered away about their vital mission.
Regular Columnists
Long Distance Commuter
Known nationwide for his winsome, insightful application of Christian truth from the platform and in print, Jeff Lucas divides his time between the USA and the UK. Andy Peck asks him about his call to the US, unusual insights on church growth in a charismatic seeker-friendly church and an extraordinary build-up of frequent flyer miles.
Regular Columnists
Where Do You Live: Shame City Or Grace Land?
Many believers are crippled by guilt and shame – why? Don’t swallow Satan's lies, writes Jeff Lucas, instead accept God's free gifts of grace and forgiveness.
Regular Columnists
Getting Rid of Religion: Part One
Jeff Lucas calls on us to avoid religious Christianity that is loud, legalistic and critical of others. In the first of a two-part article based on some sessions from last year's Spring Harvest he identifies symptoms of 'mere religion'.