All Justice articles – Page 11
Magazine Features
Why all your friends are going vegan
Plant-based diets have skyrocketed in recent years, taking a fringe movement into the mainstream, but should Christians get their teeth into this new trend?
Magazine Features
The Tipping Point: Why climate change is the biggest threat facing our generation
Megan Cornwell reports on the Christian case for urgent action on climate change
Magazine Features
Faith in action: How Christians are plugging the gap left by austerity
As government austerity is blamed for a rise in UK poverty, Megan Cornwell reports on how churches are intervening to help those in need
Graham Tomlin: How the Church sprang into action following Grenfell Tower
When the Grenfell Tower disaster struck, the Bishop of Kensington cleared his schedule to help mobilise local Christians to assist with the relief effort. One year on, he says the job is far from over
Magazine Features
Rise of the Robots: Could AI spell the end of humanity as we know it?
The idea of a 'robot takeover' is no longer limited to sci-fi movies. As technology develops, Artificial Intelligence is becoming a reality in our world. Richard Woodall investigates
Felix Ngole: My court case proves Christian beliefs are being censored by our government
Today the High Court ruled Felix Ngole was lawfully thrown off his social work course, after being accused of posting derogatory comments about gay people on a Facebook page. Writing exclusively for Premier Christianity, Felix explains why he believes God is using his case for good
Magazine Features
Christina Dean: The ethical fashion pioneer on a mission to change the way you shop
Searching through refuse tips for thrown away clothes may not sound very fashionable, but Christina Dean isn’t your average designer
Magazine Features
Pro-life protestors face ban on eve of Abortion Act 50th anniversary
Pro-life protesters could be banned from standing outside a west London abortion clinic following a “ground-breaking” and unanimous decision by Ealing Council.
Magazine Features
Diary of a mentally ill Christian
Daniel Jarsdel who suffers from schizophrenia reveals what it’s like to seek help through the NHS
Magazine Features
God behind bars: faith stories in an immigration removal centre
The treatment of immigration detainees has made TV headlines recently. Chaplain Rev Roger Harper shares the stories of those he has prayed with behind the barbed wire fences of a removal centre
Archive content
Why the Church needs to stop treating divorce like the elephant in the room
Tamala Ceasar writes on 'The D Word'
Archive content
Decriminalising abortion ‘defies common sense’ says Christian Medical Fellowship
A vote by members of the British Medical Association (BMA) in favour of decriminalising abortion “defies common sense”, according to the Christian Medical Fellowship.
Magazine Features
Beauty from Brokenness: These Christians are trying to restore dignity among sex workers
There are no simple answers when it comes to prostitution. Katie Stock reports
Magazine Features
God’s own country: Rethinking Christian patriotism
Following the third national vote in just over two years, Jo Swinney looks at what nationalism might mean for citizens of the kingdom of heaven
Archive news
Is street preaching under threat?
Following the conviction of two street preachers, Christians are asking questions about how to preach an offensive gospel with gentleness and respect. Sam Hailes reports.
Archive content
Seeking Asylum, Finding Christ: Why Muslim refugees are converting
Increasing numbers of Muslim refugees are converting to Christianity. Katie Stock examines why it’s happening and what it means for churches in the UK
Archive content
Why marriage is always better than cohabiting: my verdict as a family law court judge
As a family court judge, Paul Coleridge saw thousands of relationships break down. He explains why it convinced him that the best way of ensuring a stable society in the UK is to strengthen marriage
Archive content
Sally Phillips' Documentary Showed Us What A Godless Future Could Look Like
“A World Without Down’s Syndrome?” made me weep says David Robertson
Archive content
The social action revolution
In the first of a three part series on Christian involvement in social action, Sam Hailes investigates the ways in which today’s Church is joining the fight against UK poverty.