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Want to get better at sharing your faith? This quiz can help!
The world desperately needs to hear about the hope of Jesus, says Andy Frost. But when we’re told there’s only one way to evangelise, it can be scary and offputting. Here’s how to understand your natural faith-sharing profile, and get some great tips on telling your friends about God in a way that doesn’t seem weird
Outdated language is hurting our witness. Christians need to start speaking in plain English
Use of “Thee's” and “Thou's” in our worship services make Christians seem archaic and irrelevant, says Catherine Butcher
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How (not) to speak the truth in love
Source: Flix Gillett There’s a sentence that sounds to my ears like the removal of a pin from a grenade, sending me scrambling for cover and bracing for a doctrinal explosion: “I just have to speak the truth in love.” This weaponised paraphrase of Ephesians 4:15 is ...
Axe grinding, straw men and wokeism: Why it’s time to end the word wars
Research suggests most of us are bad listeners. But as Christians, we need to follow Christ’s example, says Dr Christopher Krampe