Tom has overseen worship at KXC, an Anglican church in King’s Cross, London, for the past twelve years. KXC have released a number of recordings and their songs are sung internationally
I find it so intriguing that God chooses to use music to connect with us. Whether it’s watching my newborn baby listening to a song, or seeing an elderly relative who suffers from dementia recite and sing whole hymns; from life’s highest highs (weddings and parties) to its crushing lows (funerals and break-ups), God uses music to meet with us wherever we are.
‘Let the light in’ by Kari Jobe
I love how this song reminds us that the “time is now” to open our hearts to Jesus and to let his light shine into our lives. Whatever is going on – whether it’s a new season or being faithful in the existing situation – the adventure of following Jesus and becoming more like him is here, right now, today.
‘A million little miracles’ by Maverick City/Elevation
Giving thanks to God for the little things is so easy to say, but so hard to do. We all want to see God do bigger miracles. But sometimes we need to open our eyes to see the little things God is doing right in front of us.
‘Jesus name above all names’ by KXC
I wrote this song when the war in Ukraine started. I wanted to declare that even though we see injustice and evil appearing to prevail in the world, the name of Jesus is still above it all. Whatever the mountains, giants and struggles we may face in 2023 we can declare the truth that Jesus is Lord above it all.
‘Find rest’ by Rich and Lydia Dicas
This song really impacted me when my young son was struggling with some health issues. As his parent, I felt a sense of guilt. This song articulated some of the burdens that I was carrying and reminded me that I can find rest and peace in Jesus.

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