Real life ghostbuster Chris DeFlorio says the Church needs to “wake up” to the realities of spiritual warfare this Halloween
Taking on the devil face to face. That’s how Chris DeFlorio describes his ministry. Deliverance and exorcisms aren’t always understood in the Church, he says. But Christians needs to grapple with these spiritual realities. “You can’t believe in God but not the devil,” he tells me.
The former New York City police officer was raised in an Italian Catholic family. By his 30s, he’d drifted from faith but came back to God after stumbling into a Pentecostal church. While initially shocked at the sight of hands raised high during worship, he and his now wife, Harmony, responded to the gospel together during the service. “We were both crying our eyes out – it felt like God was speaking directly to us. We left that church different people.”
The couple’s calling to evangelism was immediate. Within weeks they were handing out tracts and getting involved in street outreach. “It was a passion God gave me – to reach the lost”, Chris says.
Who you gonna call?
This passion has led to a somewhat unusual ministry. Chris receives hundreds of calls from people across the USA reporting everything from poltergeist activity to demonic possession. In each case he leans on skills drawn from his previous career as a first responder – asking questions and investigating thoroughly before taking action. Initially he’ll try to “rule out” sinister spiritual forces by, for example, ensuring anyone claiming demonic possession has been checked by a medical professional. His aim is to triage cases, use his discernment and keep an open mind.
“You have to be very responsible, because I see a lot of people out there who are making situations worse for people who may have a mental illness. I take a very long look before I deem something to be demonic.”
The Connecticut case
Chris’ most famous case took place in Connecticut in 2021 when a family had captured on film “crazy noises” coming from their attic.
Chris discovered the loft space had never been checked, as it was hard to access, but once inside, a shocking discovery awaited them. “There were demonic sigils and ritual tools,” says Chris, including bloody handprints and animal skulls nailed in a circle. It turned out the previous owner had been a “satanic witch” who had been evicted from the property. She was trying to get back into the house to retrieve her belongings from the attic and had been “leaving symbols made out of sticks on the driveway,” he recalls.
Understand, you’re stepping into a war that’s been going on since the beginning of time
What’s more, Chris says the four-year-old boy living in the house was being targeted by “a specific demon” who, Chris says, “presents a certain way through history”. The young boy had been making noises consistent with this demon, even though he would have had “no way” of knowing anything about it. “The demon was looking to possess the child. It turned into four or five visits before we got a breakthrough.”
Sharing the gospel
How do you free someone from demonic oppression? “We’ll read certain blessings and pray what the Spirit gives us. But the whole idea is that, at the end of this, they come to know Christ. That’s ultimately what’s going to deliver them, and that’s the first thing I tell them: ‘If you don’t have Jesus, it’s not going to stop.’ This isn’t a supernatural ritual. This is bringing the gospel in.”
When people are desperate, they’re very open, says Chris. “We’re walking into homes and they’re saying: ‘What must I do to be saved?’ People say: ‘I’ll do anything you tell me to.’ It’s the most fulfilling ministry I’ve ever had, because you’re seeing lives changed, people coming to God and they’re being delivered.”
Church resistance
DeFlorio notes there is “increased” demonic activity around Halloween. But he’s concerned that, in too many cases, “pastors don’t want to deal with the reality of the devil”.
Often, those who approach Chris for help have already sought assistance from their local church but haven’t been believed. “The Church needs to wake up. God has called Christians to battle the devil – not unsaved people.”
But he also cautions: “Understand, you’re stepping into a war that’s been going on since the beginning of time, directly onto the frontline. You’re interceding for people, and you have to be willing to do whatever you’ve got to do to bring glory to Christ. No matter what. You’re exposing the devil, and you’re setting [people] free.”
His own calling has come at a cost. “I haven’t spoken publicly about this before, but my daughter has had a few things happen. A mirror just fell off the wall and almost hit her twin babies. We had to go and bless the home. They [demonic forces] try all the tricks. In the beginning, my house was like a circus – there were appliances going off, noises in the middle of the night…The more you get into this ministry, you learn how important it is to understand your enemy. Now, if I hear something, I don’t even acknowledge it.”
DeFlorio is also keen to tell me he has a normal life outside of his work. “I have four children, a wife and it’s life as usual – raising children, laughing, eating dinner, going to the movies. That’s the balance you need to have. The devil is not under every rock. I focus more on Jesus; that’s where I want to be. That’s where I get my peace.”
Called into Darkness by Chris DeFlorio (Independent) is out now
To hear the full interview, listen to Premier Christian Radio at 8pm on Saturday 26 October or download ‘The Profile’ podcast

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