All Mary articles
Jesus wasn’t a Palestinian
Some have objected to the casting of Israeli actors in Netflix’s new film Mary. It’s a demoralising example of misguided attempts to erase Christ’s Jewish identity, says Michael Coren
Netflix’s Mary is a solid piece of filmmaking but Christians will question its accuracy
Netflix’s Mary tells the story of the mother of Jesus before she became pregnant with the saviour. But is this biblical epic up to scratch? Giles Gough doesn’t think so
News Analysis
Millions have flocked to Medjugorje. What should we make of claimed visions of the Virgin Mary?
Last week the Vatican welcomed what it calls “abundant spiritual fruits” in the Bosnian town of Medjugorje, but has stopped short of validating the claimed Marian apparitions that have reportedly taken place there in recent years. Heather Tomlinson explains the full story
The 3 women who challenged Jesus
When Jesus was confronted by the audacious faith of three females who risked everything to get what they needed from God, he responded in ways that shocked those around him. Chris Goswami unpacks the unexpected lessons we can learn from their bold encounters
Regular Columnists
Misunderstanding Mary and Martha
Dr Lucy Peppiatt takes a look at common interpretations of the encounter between Jesus, Mary and Martha and finds them wanting
Transforming Love - Amy Boucher Pye
Martha and Mary are often used to represent action or contemplation, while their brother, Lazarus, appears in one of Jesus’ most spectacular miracles. But by reducing the family to stereotypes, we miss so much argues Amy Boucher Pye in Transforming Love, which sees her bring a new ...
Joseph's silent submission to Mary's God-given calling is real biblical manhood
Not a word in scripture is attributed to Jesus’ adoptive father. Yet in quietly caring for Mary despite the scandal that surrounded her pregnancy, he sets an example for men everywhere, says Michael Frost
Magazine Features
Hidden disciples: Rediscovering Jesus’ female followers
Far from being a male-only cast, there were plenty of women among Jesus’ disciples and the early Church leaders.
Could Jesus have been married?
The Bible doesn’t answer the question. But it does give us some clues, says Lee Wilson
Does the Bible really claim that Mary was a virgin?
The virgin birth is one of Christianity’s wildest – and most disputed claims. But was it just a case of misinterpretation?