All Premier Christianity articles in July 2013 – Page 2
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York launches abuse inquiry
The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, has set up an independent inquiry into allegations of sexual abuse made against Robert Waddington, the former Dean of Manchester.
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The truth about dementia
In an ageing population dementia is an issue that is likely to touch each one of us sometime in our lives. How do you find God when you’re losing your mind?
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Author and philosopher Dallas Willard dies aged 77
The American author and philosopher Dallas Willard has died at the age of 77, just days after announcing he was battling cancer.
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Christianity in Britain declines 50% faster than thought
A new analysis of the 2011 census by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows the number of British Christians is falling 50% faster than previously thought.
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New proposals for Women Bishops by 2015
The Church of England has published proposals that could lead to approval of the ordination of women bishops by 2015.
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Keswick Convention: If You Want To Stop The Church From Spreading Just Stop Speaking
Based on a talk by Mike Hill, Bishop of Bristol, at the Keswick Convention 2013.There's a huge burden on my heart, as to how we are going to set about re-evangelising this nation. It's easy for us Christians to get into a season of complaint about the way the world ...
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Keswick Convention: The Marks Of A Healthy Church
Based on a talk by Mike Hill, Bishop of Bristol, at the Keswick Convention 2013.I want to talk to you about the nature of the church. You hear lots of stories of people who have picked up collateral damage from the church, and people who have given up. Whether or ...
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Keswick Convention: In The Beginning Part Five
Based on a talk by John Lennox, at the Keswick Convention 2013. He is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and a lecturer at the Oxford Centre of Christian Apologetics.When you look at a work of art - and the Bible is that and much more - you ...
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Keswick Convention: In The Beginning Part Four
Based on a talk by John Lennox, at the Keswick Convention 2013. He is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and a lecturer at the Oxford Centre of Christian ApologeticsOne of the most important statements in all the world's literature is Genesis 1:27; "So God created mankind in ...
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Keswick Convention: In The Beginning Part One
Based on a talk by John Lennox, at the Keswick Convention 2013. He is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and a lecturer at the Oxford Centre of Christian ApologeticsYou cannot know a God who does not exist. At this time in our culture, it's the existence of ...
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Keswick Convention: In The Beginning Part Three
Based on a talk by John Lennox, at the Keswick Convention 2013. He is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and a lecturer at the Oxford Centre of Christian Apologetics.For some people, this subject is controversial. We come across a series of 'days' in Genesis 1:3-31. This issue ...
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Keswick Convention: In The Beginning Part Two
Based on a talk by John Lennox, at the Keswick Convention 2013. He is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and a lecturer at the Oxford Centre of Christian Apologetics.The most important thing said in any book of Scripture, is about God. Yesterday we began to unpack the ...
Archive content
A Problem Shared: How do you deal with a serial dater?
The only young man in his late 20s attending our church is causing problems, as he seems to be slowly dating each woman of around his age in the church – and breaking hearts along the way. I am concerned that if I step in and discipline him, he may leave the church, and I am really keen see more young adults in the church. What should I do?
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A new Christian's Guide to Church
Nearly a decade ago, ex News of the World reporter Ruth Roberts became a ChristIan and documented her acclImatIsatIon to church lIfe In ChrIstIanIty magazIne. nIne years on, she looks back on what she’s learned about how the church welcomes new Christians.
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Keswick Convention 2013: Mission Of The Trinity
Based on a talk by Peter Maiden, director of Operation Mobilisation, at the Keswick Convention 2013, on John 20:19-31God is completing a plan and purpose for his world, which can be traced back to the beginning. It's clear in scripture that God calls all of us to play a part ...
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Keswick Convention: People of the Trinity
Eph 4:1-16Based on a talk by Richard Condie, vicar of St Jude's Anglican church in Melbourne, Australia, at the Keswick Convention 2013Ephesians 4 is a marvellous passage of Scripture. It emphasises the unity of the church. However, the church is currently riven with division – in denominations for example. I'm ...
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Keswick Convention: Walking In The Spirit
Heather Tomlinson writes based on a talk by Alasdair Paine, vicar of St Andrew the Great in Cambridge, at the Keswick Convention 2013omans 8:1-17This passage in Romans is packed with references to the Spirit. It's there for a practical purpose. Paul has written this letter because he wants the readers ...
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Keswick Convention 2013: Following the Son
"Following the Son" - Heather Tomlinson writes based on a talk by Peter Baker, minister of Lansdowne Baptist church in Bournemouth, at Keswick Convention 2013From Eph 2:1-10Ephesians 2 has to be among the most well-trodden paths of the New Testament. When you read it, you know you've been here before many ...
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Am I Missing Something? The Winners!
Based on the popular Christianity magazine column, Am I Missing Something? written by Ruth Roberts, looks at Christianity through the eyes of a new believer. The book adds to the articles that Ruth wrote each month for three years, expands on her past and includes letters to her father about ...
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