All Creation articles
The God Story - Alain Emerson and Adam Cox
Familiarity can often dull our sense of wonder, so it’s unsurprising that many readers of the Bible become numb to God’s redemptive plan woven through every page and person. The God Story may just shake you out of your slumber. The reader is given a systematic overview ...
Magazine Features
Even the planets cry out
Digging deep into the fabric of creation reveals that we are all part of God’s glorious symphony, says Rob Townley
There's a God-shaped hole in the BBC's science documentaries
Two new films from the BBC and Humanists UK, featuring Chris Packham and Dr Alice Roberts, seek to explain the origin of our planet from a scientific, secular point of view. But in ignoring the divine, they raise more spiritual questions than they answer, says George Pitcher
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Why God’s preferred pronouns are he/him
The Church of England is considering alternatives to referring to God as “he” after priests asked to be allowed to use gender-neutral terms. Some have said a change in language would make the church more inclusive. But Lois Tverberg disagrees. She argues Christians should embrace the fact that God chose to reveal himself through male images in the Bible
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Your ‘Bible in a year’ reading plan begins with Genesis. And so does the good news
The creation story was utterly unique among Ancient Near Eastern cultures. Instead of warring, angry gods, the Bible tells us that we were created in love, says Lois Tverberg
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Finding the missing pieces of the Christmas puzzle
If you read the Christmas story in isolation, you will miss the beauty of the Bible’s bigger picture, says Jo Swinney
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Why the Genesis flood was global - and why it matters
Following David Instone Brewer’s column which presented evidence for why the flood could have been local, Jonathan Sarfati shares an alternative perspective
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Atheism is trying to undermine these 7 biblical concepts. But it will fail
In re-defining Christian concepts of morality, the soul, free will and more, atheism is leaving our society hollow and directionless. By contrast, it is belief in the God of scripture which upholds and strengthens our understanding of meaning, truth and freedom, argues Alistair McKitterick
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Fearfully and wonderfully made: Why studying the embryo leads me to worship
Jeff Hardin explains how researching human development has caused him to wonder at the beauty of God’s creation
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Wonders of the living world: Curiosity, awe and the meaning of life
Join Dr Ruth Bancewicz for a guided meditation, looking at the beauty of God’s creation
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Why I’m finally a young earth creationist
Writing in response to Dr Luke Barnes' article on why he no longer believes in young earth creationism, physicist and engineer, Dr Jim Mason shares his own story, and explains why he believes a “plain reading” of Genesis leads to a young earth viewpoint
Archive content
Evolution’s Creator
Wherever they stand on the debate, all Christians can praise God for the process of evolution, says our resident theologian David Instone-Brewer.