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Regular Columnists
Dear Christians, let’s not talk about finding our ‘tribe’
The Bible emphasises unity between believers, observes Lucy Peppiatt. So why do Christians talk about their own ‘tribes’?
Regular Columnists
Why get baptised?
Rend Collective’s Chris Llewellyn has been having ice cold baths every morning. It’s got him thinking about the meaning of baptism
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: My embarrassing first love stories
The author and teaching pastor doesn’t want to go back to his first faith. But his first love is another matter
One - Clive Bowsher
It’s always a good sign when a book makes you miss your stop on the tube. One is that kind of book; it draws you in and forces you to consider just how good the gospel really is. On the surface, One is a book about ...
Consider him - Catherine Campbell
In her second devotional, author Catherine Campbell aims to centre our hearts and minds on the essence of Christ. Guiding readers through a year-long journey, she explores the character and actions of Jesus. Each concise daily devotional incorporates a verse of scripture along with a reference to ...
Regular Columnists
Soft hearts, thick skin
Receiving criticism isn’t easy. But it’s vital if you’re to grow in leading well, says Natalie Williams
Magazine Features
King of kings: The Christian message at the heart of the coronation
With its pomp and pageantry, the coronation might seem arcane and irrelevant, but it is a ceremony intended to bind king, people and Christ together by means of covenantal promises, says David Campanale
Regular Columnists
Why God’s preferred pronouns are he/him
The Church of England is considering alternatives to referring to God as “he” after priests asked to be allowed to use gender-neutral terms. Some have said a change in language would make the church more inclusive. But Lois Tverberg disagrees. She argues Christians should embrace the fact that God chose to reveal himself through male images in the Bible
Advent isn’t about chocolate calendars. It’s about the return of Jesus Christ
Advent is a time for reflecting on the return of Jesus Christ. But such a tricky task requires imagination, not logic, says Graham Tomlin
Magazine Features
Demonising deliverance: Is there still a place for exorcism in the Church?
Casting out demons was a normal part of Jesus’ ministry, yet many Christians today are sceptical (or perhaps terrified) of exorcism. In our era of mental health consciousness, is there still a place for deliverance ministry? Emma Fowle investigates
Magazine Features
Jesus Christ Superstar: Offensive blasphemy or evangelistic tool?
Billy Graham said it bordered on blasphemy. Comedian Tim Minchin dubbed it a ‘radical atheist’ production. But 50 years on from its London debut, this classic rock musical endures. Were the protests of yesteryear misguided?
Regular Columnists
God loves guitar solos
I started playing guitar because of that scene from Back to the Future. Any child of the 1980s knows immediately what I’m talking about: Marty McFly’s blistering ‘Johnny B Goode’ solo. As I watched it, my jaw hit the floor. The combination of the stunning musicianship, the ...
Regular Columnists
‘I can do all things through Christ’ doesn’t mean what you think it does
Jeff Lucas takes another look at Philippians 4:13
Regular Columnists
Silence isn’t violence. It can be golden
There’s a difference between adding to the conversation and adding to the noise, says Rend Collective’s Chris Llewellyn
What Home Alone teaches us about the comfort of Christ
The comfort of Christ is the best Christmas gift. But it comes in unexpected ways, says Tim Farron
Regular Columnists
Do you become a Christian by believing a list of doctrines, or is there more to it?
The biblical writers instructed us to believe in the name of Jesus. But what does that mean? Lois Tverberg explains
Archive content
4 facts that only fit the Resurrection
A new argument is changing the way Christians are seeking to persuade sceptics of the truth of the resurrection. Justin Brierley presents the ‘minimal facts’.