All Simone Biles articles
Dealing with disappointment: 3 lessons for Christians from the Olympics
With top athletes such as Simone Biles and Adam Peaty speaking about joy even when the medal is not gold, Jonny Reid reflects on what Christians can learn even when things don’t go to plan
‘God is the one who directs my life’ – the Christian faith of Simone Biles
Simone Biles’ Christian faith has seen her through the highs of sporting success and the lows of the Larry Nassar sexual abuse scandal. And they’ll see her through this too, says Lauren Windle
Why Simone Biles’ withdrawal from the Olympics is a lesson to Christians everywhere
God calls us to rest in him, not run ourselves into the ground, says Chris Llewellyn
This woman's speech to her abuser on God's grace isn't easy to watch. But you should
Rachael Denhollander's victim statement is an object lesson in graceful determination, and we should all watch it, says Emma Fowle