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    Friend of God - John C Lennox


    Reading John Lennox is like getting in the ring with a heavyweight boxer. Intimidating. This book is no lightweight Christian paperback but brings big challenge and muscular theology that certainly packs a punch. From round one, the reader is introduced to first-rate biblical scholarship and exegesis. ...

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    Pray then listen - Teresa O’Driscoll


    “Write a book and show people how to speak to me.” This was the message received by Teresa O’Driscoll during lockdown in 2020. The result is a book that is designed to enhance your prayer life, penned by an author with 20 years’ experience of leading prayer ...

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    Misusing scripture: Don't paper over the cracks


    There is a strange intimacy that forms between fans and the bands they love. I guess it makes sense: before we even meet, we have shared countless road trips, commutes, workouts and even bedtime routines. If my voice is the soundtrack to your life, of course I ...