All mental health awareness articles
Here's what the Bible actually says about masculinity (it's different to what you've heard from some Christians)
As mental health awareness month draws to a close, Lau Ciocan makes the case for why churches should lead the way in addressing the crisis in male suicide and toxic masculinity
So you've 'cast your cares upon God' but still feeling anxious? These 5 insights from psychology might help
As Mental Health Awareness Week begins, Sharon Hastings shares her top tips on how to combat anxiety
Real Life
Hallucinations and delusions made me lonely. Medication helped, but the Church has a role too
Loneliness is the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week. Sharon Hastings suggests how the Church can reach out
News Analysis
91% of Christians say mental illness is stigmatised in the Church. But the solution may be simpler than you think
How mental health friendly is your church? Tim Wyatt investigates