All Premier Christianity articles in January 2016
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Q&A: Noel Robinson
Sam Hailes talks to worship leader Noel Robinson about an unusual first date with his wife, and his latest album Outrageous Love
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People In The News
BOXING FOR GOD Tyson Fury has become world boxing’s heavyweight champion after beating Wladimir Klitschko in Dusseldorf. Fury professes a strong Christian faith but has been criticised for bad language and homophobic comments . BELL IS BACK Rob Bell has released a YouTube video urging Christians not to ...
Regular Columnists
A message popped up on my computer screen. It seemed innocuous enough, announcing that it was time for my software to be updated. A single mouse click would launch the procedure.
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A one woman man
Many churches teach that Christian leaders must never have been divorced, quoting 1 Timothy 3:12: ‘the husband of one wife’ (KJV). But the apostle Paul had something else in mind, says our doctrine detective David Instone-Brewer
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The ten-minute guide to… Martin Luther
Martin Luther’s understanding of salvation ‘by faith alone’ revolutionised the Church and redirected its future
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Crafting a message
Christian campaigners are shunning placards in favour of using crafting skills to challenge the status quo
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The Premier Christianity Guide to Star Wars
As the latest episode hits cinemas, die-hard fan Jamie Cutteridge explains everything you need to know (and plenty you probably don’t) about the world’s biggest movie franchise
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Rahil Patel: From Hindu priest to peace-filled Christian
Rahil Patel decided to become a Hindu priest. But inner peace eluded him – until he walked into a church
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How a happy-clappy charismatic rediscovered the liturgical seasons
Ishmaelis best known for his hi-octane songs, which a generation of children grew up singing in church. But this free-spirited, punkinfluenced Christian music pioneer, could never have predicted the direction that his spirituality would lead
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Bethel Church: Heaven on Earth?
California’s most prominent charismatic church, led by Bill Johnson, divides opinion. Andy Peck finds out why some believe Bethel is seeing heaven come to earth, and others claim that it’s a deception
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Gavin and Anne Calver
The Evangelical Alliance director for mission England, Gavin Calver, and his wife, Anne, a trainee Baptist minister, are the theme leaders for this year’s Spring Harvest. Lucinda van der Hart meets them
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Locked-in but not Abandoned
At the age of 33, Andy Davies experienced a stroke, leaving him with Locked-in syndrome. He and his wife Emmashare how their entire world has been turned upside down – and yet somehow, they have held on to faith in a healing God
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6 things the Bible doesn’t say about money
In the first of our features for 'New Year New You' we looking at things the Bible doesn't say about money.
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Who are Islamic State and what do they want?
In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, Sam Hailes examines the theology of ISIS
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SPARKLING DECEMBER ISSUE The December edition of Premier Christianity was superbly brilliant. The Lebanese story on refugees was informative. The social action feature on the Church changing the world was so encouraging. Loneliness is such a relevant issue for us today. Sermons and Rob Parsons always go well together. And thanks ...
Magazine Features
Thy Kingdom Come
When an advert featuring the Lord’s Prayer was deemed to be unsuitable for consumption by cinemagoers recently, the press had a field day covering the story. Digital Cinema Media (DCM) ruled against the advert as it might offend people of other faiths or none (see News, p11).
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Mary, Joseph and Baby Cheesus
A food artist has created the Christmas nativity scene entirely out of cheddar.
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Sookhdeo steps down following reported arrest
Patrick Sookhdeo, the founder of anti-persecution charity Barnabas Fund, has been reportedly arrested on suspicion of indecent assault.
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Lord’s Prayer advert banned by cinemas
An advert produced by the Church of England that promotes prayer has been refused by Digital Cinema Media (DCM) – the group that controls advertising on 80% of cinema screens in the UK.