
What made you want to produce The Reformation Study Bible?

Although there are many good study Bibles out there, when we began working on the first edition of the Reformation Study Bible, there were no study Bibles that consciously and consistently presented the great truths of scripture that were recovered during the Protestant Reformation. We saw a need for a Bible that would incorporate the insights of theologians and pastors such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon and Jonathan Edwards.

There are already so many different study Bibles available. What makes The Reformation Study Bible unique?

The Reformation Study Bible is larger and more extensive than other study Bibles. We have expanded it over the years. Our newest edition includes about 44% more study notes than the previous editions. We have attempted to provide more explanation than many other study Bibles on some of the difficult passages of scripture.

What have been some of the highs and lows for you personally, as you’ve spent years pulling all this material together?

The best part of working on this project has been seeing the impact of this Bible. We’ve received many testimonies as to how significant it has been in helping people dig deeper into scripture. Probably the greatest low of working on this is the length of time it takes to create and revise a study Bible. We want to do it right, but of course that adds time to the process. There are also unforeseen delays that can arise in the editing and production cycles. All of that can be a little frustrating, because we know how much this Bible can assist people.

Your ministry – Ligonier Ministries – promotes Reformed theology to evangelicals. But some would say it’s more important to promote Christianity to the world, rather than promote one type of theology to people who are already Christians. How do you respond to this?

Ligonier Ministries promotes Reformed theology to evangelicals and also aims to help the Church disciple all people. So, our efforts include developing resources that proclaim the biblical gospel to non-evangelicals as well. Like BB Warfield, I am convinced that Reformed theology is ‘Christianity come into its own’. To promote Reformed theology to as many people as possible is to promote Christianity to the world.

You’ve said you want to see a ‘Bible study reformation’. Why is this so important?

Paul says that ‘all Scripture’ (2 Timothy 3:16–17) is profitable for establishing sound doctrine and equipping God’s people for every good work. Christians, therefore, need to be familiar with the content of the entire Bible if they are to grow to maturity in Christ. Lack of biblical knowledge or sound interpretation must be rectified if the Church is going to stand firm against opposition, make knowledgeable disciples and understand how to apply the scriptures properly.

The Reformation Study Bible (NKJV) is out now