All elections articles
1 in 5 don’t believe in democracy. Here’s why Christians must defend it
A new survey shows an alarming shift toward authoritarianism among young Brits. Democracy isn’t perfect, says Tim Farron MP, but it’s far better than the alternative, and there are distinctly Christian reasons for supporting it
3 ways to pray for Iran’s presidential election
Following the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash last month, this Friday, the country will elect a new leader. Despite heavy persecution, the Church in Iran is one of the fastest growing in the world. So will a change in leadership make their lives easier, or more difficult? And how can Christians pray?
Regular Columnists
How to be less judgemental and more empathetic this election season
It’s too easy to stereotype people and put them in boxes, observes Chine McDonald. But Jesus treated everyone as an individual, and we should too, she says
Regular Columnists
Will US evangelicalism survive a second Trump term?
As Donald Trump is arrested on charges of plotting to overturn the result of the last US election, Chine McDonald says his evangelical supporters are turning young people off the faith
News Analysis
Giorgia Meloni: Who is the new Italian prime minister invoking the name of God?
Giorgia Meloni is set to become Italy’s first female prime minister, but don’t be fooled by her talk of God, says Christopher Lamb
The biggest world events to be praying for in 2022
A Christian futurist and Bible teacher looks at the year ahead and explains what issues Christians should be praying for
Every election victory is temporary, but God’s kingdom lasts forever
Tim Farron MP reflects on the results of last week’s elections