All Easter Story articles
Regular Columnists
The world might serve me a lifetime of hate, but I still believe in a God of love
Even in turbulent times, we serve a God of great hope, says Chine McDonald, as she reflects on what The Colour Purple taught her this Easter season
Magazine Features
The failure of God
A theology of Holy Saturday is for all those who cannot see the way ahead – who suffer, fail or doubt. Between Good Friday and Easter Sunday is where true spiritual growth happens, says Bishop Emma Ineson
Is Easter unbelievable? - Rebecca McLaughlin
This short book is full of bubbly personality, with lots of current cultural references, from Netflix’s The Good Place to Harry Potter. The title suggests it is an apologetic for the resurrection, but that’s only one chapter. It covers other atheist arguments against Christian beliefs too. The ...
Regular Columnists
The King is Alive: Why the resurrection makes all the difference
In explaining the connection between the Old and New Testaments, Lois Tverberg unpacks why the resurrection of Jesus really does change everything
Archive content
Did God punish Jesus on the cross?
The doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement has divided Christians in recent years. David Instone-Brewer takes a fresh look at what the Bible says
Back from the dead: Tiger, Eriksen and the power of a resurrection story
The remarkable comeback stories of Tiger Woods and Christian Eriksen testify to the power of the resurrection story to engage people’s imagination and bring hope
Joseph of Arimathea: The Secret Disciple
Dig beneath the surface of the Easter story and you will find some intriguing characters, says Chris Goswami. But just because they’re not given centre stage doesn’t mean we should pass them by. If we do, we miss a great story and some powerful life lessons.