All UK Church articles – Page 14
Why has revival not yet come to the UK?
For years, Christians in the UK have comforted themselves with the thought that revival is just around the corner. So, asks Malcolm Macdonald, where is it? And what can the Church do to hasten it?
'More money, vicar?' Why clergy are asking for a pay rise
Church of England clergy have asked for a pay rise for the first time in history. They're asking for a 9.5 per cent increase in their stipend. Lucie Walsh explains why its so needed
Christians who challenge transgender ideology are not 'aggressive'
A senior member of the Church of England has hit out at Christian Concern for allegedly "aggressive" behaviour when it comes to transgender issues. Andrea Williams says the comments were "blatantly unfair"
UCCF investigation: Can Christian orgs be trusted to mark their own homework?
Two directors have been suspended from the organisation that oversees Christian Unions in the UK. Having read the statements, Tanya Marlow is concerned that UCCF's investigation may not be as independent as has been suggested. She believes a change of approach is needed
Cheer up, Justin Welby. The decline of the church isn't your burden
Justin Welby has said that church decline was something he “personally” counts as “failure”. Responding to the news, Phil Knox says Christians of all denominations should be seeking to encourage their leaders. Few of us can understand the deep challenges they're facing, he says
Justin Welby is right. The Church must be clearer on teaching about sex
Bobbi Kumari was pleased to hear the Archbishop of Canterbury say the Church should be more unapologetic about the “basic rules of sexual morality” – but is the devil in the detail, she wonders?
We’re one step closer to building the world’s largest Christian landmark
Hundreds of Christians have gathered near Birmingham to pray on the site where the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer will be constructed. Richard Gamble believes it was a significant moment of Christian unity
Nicky Gumbel: ‘If we want to see revival, we must address the sin of racism’
The rejection of the Windrush Generation was a self-inflicted wound from which the Church is still recovering, says Alpha pioneer, Nicky Gumbel
Magazine Features
How Windrush changed the British Church for good
As the UK marks the 75th anniversary of Empire Windrush, Mark Sturge unpacks the enormous impact of this generation on the British Church
Regular Columnists
A church divided on ethnic lines cannot stand
It’s a sobering thought, but the next time the Census religion data is revealed in ten years’ time, the Church in England and Wales is unlikely to have grown. Look ahead to 30 years’ time, and the number of Christians will make for even more grim reading. ...
Rosemarie Mallett: ‘Jesus calls us to bring about justice. But we can’t do it without him’
The Bishop of Croydon on slavery, racism and the role of repentance
Banned Christian teacher speaks out: ‘Students had a vendetta against me’
Joshua Sutcliffe has been found guilty of “unacceptable professional conduct” and banned from teaching by the regulator for mis-gendering a pupil and failing to safeguard their emotional well-being. In this interview with Sam Hailes, the 33-year-old hits back, accusing the students of telling lies, and the regulator of being prejudiced against Christian beliefs
Braverman and Welby were caught speeding. So what?
Good law should protect most of the people, for most of the time, says George Pitcher. He won’t condemn the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Home Secretary for speeding, but he does expect them to face the consequences honourably
4 ways to tackle Church decline
If we do what we’ve always done, we’ll get what we’ve always got, says Rick Hill. It’s time to dream again, and let God reignite a vision for the evangelisation of the nation in each and every one of our hearts
Hatun Tash's evangelism to Muslims nearly cost her life. Are you too polite to face persecution?
If we are never offending people, then it is highly unlikely that we are preaching the gospel, argues Tim Dieppe
Tim Keller (1950-2023): The evangelical statesman was a pastor first
Tim Keller had a soft spot for the UK, notes Krish Kandiah. The pastor, theologian and best-selling author exerted a worldwide influence while maintaining a humble spirit and modelling generosity towards those he disagreed with
News Analysis
The Church of England's safeguarding crisis explained
Survivors are losing trust in the Church of England's ability to do justice in cases of abuse, while a leading bishop says his name has been unfairly “besmirched”. Rosie Dawson has the full story
What is Ascension Day and why do Christians celebrate it?
The marking of Jesus’ ascent into heaven is a profound celebration of his triumph over death, says Rev Dr K Augustine Tanner-Ihm. Here’s why we celebrate it, and what it means for Christians of all denominations
Paul Burbridge (1953-2023): The theatre pioneer who enabled audiences to hear the gospel gladly
The Riding Lights Theatre Group has become well known in the UK Church for their faith-influenced productions. Bridget Foreman pays tribute to the organisation's co-founder Paul Burbridge, who has died aged 69
Poor reporting on Soul Survivor is damaging for everyone - alleged victims included
Media coverage of Mike Pilavachi and Soul Survivor has lumped serious safeguarding allegations together with vague and nonsensical claims about the festival in general. It distracts from the allegations and does any potential victims no favours, says Tim Wyatt